calculate jiraff537 # emerge -C kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel:5
echo 'kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel:5' >> /etc/portage/package.mask/custom
setlocale: unsupported locale setting
setlocale: unsupported locale setting
* This action can remove important packages! In order to be safer, use
* `emerge -pv --depclean <atom>` to check for reverse dependencies before
* removing packages.
--- Couldn't find 'kde-frameworks/kglobalaccel:5' to unmerge.
>>> No packages selected for removal by unmerge
Repositories synchronization
* Checking current binhost ... [ ok ]
* Checking Distros updates ... [ ok ]
* Checking Calculate updates ... [ ok ]
* Checking Gentoo updates ... [ ok ]
* Synchronization finished
System configuration
* Update server
Updating packages
* Calculating dependencies ...
* The system is up to date
* Fetching... ... [ ok ]
Cleaning the system from needless packages
* Calculating dependencies ... [ ok ]
* >=dev-ruby/net-pop-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.8.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* >=dev-ruby/prime-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)] pulled in by:
* dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5-r2
* Have you forgotten to do a complete update prior to depclean? The
* most comprehensive command for this purpose is as follows:
* emerge --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y @world
* Note that the --with-bdeps=y option is not required in many
* situations. Refer to the emerge manual page (run `man emerge`)
* for more information about --with-bdeps.
* Also, note that it may be necessary to manually uninstall
* packages that no longer exist in the repository, since it may not
* be possible to satisfy their dependencies.
* Emerge failed
* Update failed
calculate jiraff537 #