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#173358 (12.04.2021 17:25)
#239670 (02.12.2021 21:44).
1 | [ 6.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist. | |
2 | [ 6.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist. | |
3 | [ 6.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/" does not exist. | |
4 | [ 6.942] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/". | |
5 | [ 6.942] (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/"). | |
6 | [ 6.942] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/". | |
7 | [ 6.942] (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/"). | |
8 | /usr/share/fonts/corefonts/, | |
9 | /usr/share/fonts/cronyx/100dpi, | |
10 | /usr/share/fonts/cronyx/75dpi, | |
11 | /usr/share/fonts/cronyx/misc, | |
12 | /usr/share/fonts/cyrillic, | |
13 | /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/, | |
14 | /usr/share/fonts/droid/, | |
15 | /usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts, | |
16 | /usr/share/fonts/misc/, | |
17 | /usr/share/fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera/, | |
18 | /usr/share/fonts/ubuntu-font-family/, |