Paste #156118

pasted on 11.12.2020 14:49
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Text paste
INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname          | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs             | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs             | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev  | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups           | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev              | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding      | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock           | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl            | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

procfs            | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

loopback          | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

fsck              | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt            | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root              | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root              | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap              | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

localmount        | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup| * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc          | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc          | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

syslog-ng         | * Checking your configfile (/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) ...

net.lo            | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo            | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

syslog-ng         | * /var/lib/syslog-ng: correcting mode

syslog-ng         | * Starting syslog-ng ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            |need dbus

net.lo            | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | *   Adding routes

net.lo            | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

calculate         | * Checking video drivers ...

 [ ok ]

calculate         | * The system is being configured ...

calculate         | * Creating Host-Only initramfs ...

calculate         | * Host-Only initramfs has been created

calculate         | * Configuring the grub

calculate         | * Checking the video driver ...
[ ok ]

calculate         | * Configuring OpenGL ...
[ ok ]

calculate         | * System configured!

calculate         | * Setting up the user profile[?25l[?1c |/-\|  [?25h[?0c ...
[ ok ]

calculate         | * User account root has been successfully configured

calculate         | * service calculate removed from runlevel boot

calculate         | * Caching service dependencies ...

 [ ok ]

calculate         |Generating the server certificate

calculate         |.....+++++

calculate         |....................................+++++

calculate         |OK

calculate         |Using the root certificate as the server certificate

calculate         |OK

keymaps           | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps           | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

consolefont       | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

dbus              | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps      | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

consolekit        | * Starting consolekit ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm               | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

fuse              | * Starting fuse ...

cronie            | * Starting cronie ...

NetworkManager    | * Starting NetworkManager ...

bluetooth         | * Starting bluetooth ...

acpid             | * Starting acpid ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sshd              |ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA  [ ok ]

NetworkManager    |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1sDSA 
Подключение.........             1sECDSA ED25519 

sshd              | * Starting sshd ...

Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]

NetworkManager    | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked

NetworkManager    | * as started after a network connection has been established.

NetworkManager    | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount          | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
cupsd             | * Starting cupsd ...

 [ ok ]

alsasound         | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

local             | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname          | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs             | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs             | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev  | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups           | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev              | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding      | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps           | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps           | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

hwclock           | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

loopback          | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

fsck              | * Checking local filesystems  ...

sysctl            | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs            | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt            | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root              | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root              | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap              | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount        | * Mounting local filesystems ...

localmount        |mount: /var/calculate: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

localmount        |mount: /home: special device /var/calculate/home does not exist.

localmount        |mount: /usr/portage: special device /var/calculate/portage does not exist.

localmount        | * Some local filesystem failed to mount

 [ !! ]

urandom           | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup| * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc          | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc          | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

dbus              | * Starting dbus ...

syslog-ng         | * Checking your configfile (/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) ...

save-keymaps      | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont       | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

net.lo            | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo            | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

syslog-ng         | * Starting syslog-ng ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

consolekit        | * Starting consolekit ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            |need dbus

xdm               | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | *   Adding routes

net.lo            | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

bluetooth         | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager    | * Starting NetworkManager ...
acpid             | * Starting acpid ...
 [ ok ]
fuse              | * Starting fuse ...
cronie            | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd              | * Starting sshd ...
NetworkManager    |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager    | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager    | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager    | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount          | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
 [ ok ]
cupsd             | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
alsasound         | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local             | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname          | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs             | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs             | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs             | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev  | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups           | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev              | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger      | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding      | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps           | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps           | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

hwclock           | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

fsck              | * Checking local filesystems  ...

sysctl            | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

procfs            | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

loopback          | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt            | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root              | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root              | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap              | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount        | * Mounting local filesystems ...

localmount        |mount: /var/calculate: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

localmount        |mount: /home: special device /var/calculate/home does not exist.

localmount        |mount: /usr/portage: special device /var/calculate/portage does not exist.

localmount        | * Some local filesystem failed to mount

 [ !! ]

urandom           | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup| * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc          | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc          | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps      | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont       | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

dbus              | * Starting dbus ...

syslog-ng         | * Checking your configfile (/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo            | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

syslog-ng         | * Starting syslog-ng ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

consolekit        | * Starting consolekit ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            |need dbus

xdm               | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo            | *   Adding routes

net.lo            | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

cronie            | * Starting cronie ...
acpid             | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager    | * Starting NetworkManager ...
bluetooth         | * Starting bluetooth ...
fuse              | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd              | * Starting sshd ...
NetworkManager    |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager    | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager    | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager    | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount          | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
 [ ok ]
alsasound         | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
cupsd             | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
local             | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
 [ ok ]
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1sacpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

local              | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
 [ ok ]
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...

cronie             | * Starting cronie ...

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...

 [ ok ]

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]

NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked

 [ ok ]

NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.

NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

 [ ok ]

local              | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...

cronie             | * Starting cronie ...

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]

NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked

NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.

 [ ok ]

netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

 [ ok ]

local              | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...

cronie             | * Starting cronie ...

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...

 [ ok ]

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...

 [ ok ]

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]

NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked

 [ ok ]

NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.

netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

 [ ok ]

local              | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

cronie             | * Starting cronie ...

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...

 [ ok ]

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1sacpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]

NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked

NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.

netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...

 [ ok ]

local              | * Starting local ...

 [ ok ]


INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

consolefont        | * consolefont: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
xdm-setup          | * xdm-setup: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
dbus               | * dbus: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
net.lo             |opentmpfiles-setup | *  * net.lo: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)opentmpfiles-setup: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)

save-keymaps       | * save-keymaps: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
xdm                | * xdm: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
save-termencoding  | * save-termencoding: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
urandom            | * urandom: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
bootmisc           | * bootmisc: waiting for localmount (50 seconds)
 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
 [ ok ]
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts...

acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (3 scripts)

nm-dispatcher: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts...

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
 [ ok ]
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s
Подключение..................    0s [offline]
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

 [ ok ]

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

net.lo             |need dbus

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
 [ ok ]
fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

 [ ok ]
NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]

INIT: version 2.93 booting

   OpenRC 0.42.1 is starting up Calculate Linux (x86_64)

 * /proc is already mounted
 * /run/openrc: creating directory
 * /run/lock: correcting mode
 * /run/lock: correcting owner
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
 * Caching service dependencies ...
 [ ok ]
hostname           | * Setting hostname to calculate  ...

 [ ok ]

devfs              | * Remounting devtmpfs on /dev ...

sysfs              | * Mounting debug filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

sysfs              | * Mounting efivarfs filesystem ...

devfs              | * Mounting /dev/mqueue ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-dev   | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries for /dev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

cgroups            | * Mounting cgroup filesystem ...

udev               | * Starting udev ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Generating a rule to create a /dev/root symlink ...

 [ ok ]

udev-trigger       | * Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ...

 [ ok ]

termencoding       | * Setting terminal encoding [UTF-8] ...

modules            | * Loading module coretemp ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module NVIDIA ...

modules            | * Failed to load NVIDIA

 [ !! ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxdrv ...

keymaps            | * Setting keyboard mode [UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

keymaps            | * Loading key mappings [-u ruwin_cplk-UTF-8] ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetflt ...

 [ ok ]

modules            | * Loading module vboxnetadp ...

 [ ok ]

hwclock            | * Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ...

 [ ok ]

sysctl             | * Configuring kernel parameters ...

loopback           | * Bringing up network interface lo ...

 [ ok ]

fsck               | * Checking local filesystems  ...

procfs             | * Mounting misc binary format filesystem ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

binfmt             | * Loading custom binary format handlers ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting root filesystem read/write ...

 [ ok ]

root               | * Remounting filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

swap               | * Activating swap devices ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

localmount         | * Mounting local filesystems ...

 [ ok ]

urandom            | * Initializing random number generator ...

 [ ok ]

opentmpfiles-setup | * Setting up tmpfiles.d entries ...

bootmisc           | * Creating user login records ...

 [ ok ]

bootmisc           | * Wiping /tmp directory ...

 [ ok ]

consolefont        | * Setting console font [ter-v18n] ...

save-termencoding  | * Saving terminal encoding ...

save-keymaps       | * Saving key mapping ...

 [ ok ]

dbus               | * Starting dbus ...

net.lo             | * Bringing up interface lo

net.lo             | *   Caching network module dependencies

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

xdm                | * Setting up sddm ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             |need dbus

net.lo             | * ...

 [ ok ]

net.lo             | *   Adding routes

net.lo             | * via ...

 [ ok ]

 [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3

fuse               | * Starting fuse ...
rpc.pipefs         | * Setting up RPC pipefs ...
bluetooth          | * Starting bluetooth ...
acpid              | * Starting acpid ...
cronie             | * Starting cronie ...
NetworkManager     | * Starting NetworkManager ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
sshd               | * Starting sshd ...
 [ ok ]
acpid: starting up with netlink and the input layer

acpid: 2 rules loaded

acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off

NetworkManager     |
Подключение.....                 1s
Подключение......                1s
Подключение.......               1s
Подключение........              1s
Подключение.........             1s
Подключение..........            1s
Подключение...........           1s
Подключение............          1s
Подключение.............         1s
Подключение..............        1s
Подключение...............       1s
Подключение................      1s
Подключение.................     1s
Подключение..................    1s [ ok ]

Подключение..................    0s [offline]
NetworkManager     | * Marking NetworkManager as inactive. It will automatically be marked
NetworkManager     | * as started after a network connection has been established.
NetworkManager     | * WARNING: NetworkManager has started, but is inactive
rpcbind            | * Starting rpcbind ...
 [ ok ]
cupsd              | * Starting cupsd ...
 [ ok ]
rpc.idmapd         | * Starting idmapd ...
rpc.statd          | * Starting NFS statd ...
 [ ok ]
 [ ok ]
nfsclient          | * Starting NFS sm-notify ...
 [ ok ]
netmount           | * WARNING: netmount will start when NetworkManager has started
alsasound          | * Restoring Mixer Levels ...
 [ ok ]
local              | * Starting local ...
 [ ok ]
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