# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pickle import random import threading import sys import os import re from os import path import glob import traceback from traceback import print_exc from .core_interfaces import (CoreServiceInterface, MethodsInterface) from calculate.install.distr import Distributive from calculate.lib.cl_log import log from calculate.lib.utils.colortext import convert_console_to_xml from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate _ = lambda x: x setLocalTranslate('cl_core3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) from calculate.lib.utils.files import (process, readFile, processProgress, readLinesFile, makeDirectory, getProgPath) from calculate.lib.datavars import DataVarsError, CriticalError, Variable from calculate.lib.utils.content import getCfgFiles from itertools import * import calculate.contrib from spyne import String, Integer, Boolean, Array from .api_types import ReturnedMessage, CommonInfo, ReturnProgress from .api_types import (Field, GroupField, ViewInfo, ViewParams) from calculate.lib.cl_template import Template from calculate.lib.datavars import DataVars from .loaded_methods import LoadedMethods class CommonMethods(MethodsInterface): def dispatchConf(self, filesApply=None, prefix="/"): """ Common dispatch conf. Using if ._cfg files created. """ def normalize_config(text): """ Нормализовать конфигурационный файл для сравнения: * удалить calculate заголовок * добавить перевод строки в конец если файл без перевода строки """ if text.endswith('\n'): return Template.removeComment(text) else: return "%s\n" % Template.removeComment(text) i_orig, i_data = 0, 1 i_mime, i_cfgname = 0, 1 cfg_files = getCfgFiles(prefix=prefix).items() info = [x for x in cfg_files if filesApply is None or x[i_data][0][i_cfgname] in filesApply] max_info = len(info) for ind, data in enumerate(info): out = [] orig, data = data data = data[0] origdata = readFile(orig) newdata = readFile(data[i_cfgname]) pattern = "%s/._cfg????_%s" % (os.path.dirname(orig), os.path.basename(orig)) answ_map = {'usenew': 'use new', 'skip': 'next'} dispatch_var = self.clVars.Get('cl_dispatch_conf') for fn in glob.glob(pattern): try: if fn == data[i_cfgname]: continue os.unlink(fn) except (OSError, IndexError): pass if (self.clVars.Get('cl_autoupdate_set') == 'on' or origdata == newdata): answ = "use new" elif dispatch_var in answ_map: answ = answ_map.get(dispatch_var) else: orig_content = normalize_config(readFile(orig)) new_content = normalize_config(readFile(data[i_cfgname])) if orig_content == new_content: answ = "use new" else: for i, s in enumerate(list(process("diff", "-Nu", orig, data[i_cfgname]))): s = convert_console_to_xml(s) if s.startswith('+') and i > 1: out.append('%s' % s) elif s.startswith('-') and i > 1: out.append('%s' % s) else: out.append(s) self.printPre("
".join(out)) self.printSUCCESS(_("({one} of {_all}) -- {fname}").format( one=ind + 1, _all=max_info, fname=orig)) answ = self.askChoice(_("Choose a configuration action:"), answers=(("zap new", _("Zap new")), ("use new", _("Use new")), ("next", _("Next")))) if answ == "next": continue elif answ == "use new": try: with open(orig, 'w') as fd: fd.write(readFile(data[i_cfgname])) os.unlink(data[i_cfgname]) if filesApply: try: i = filesApply.index(data[i_cfgname]) filesApply[i] = orig except Exception as e: print(str(e)) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) self.printERROR( _("Failed to copy {ffrom} to {fto}").format( ffrom=data[i_cfgname], fto=orig)) continue elif answ == "zap new": try: os.unlink(data[i_cfgname]) if filesApply: try: filesApply.remove(data[i_cfgname]) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) except OSError: self.printERROR( _("Failed to remove %s") % data[i_cfgname]) return True def setVariable(self, varname, varvalue, force=False): """ Установить значение переменной """ self.clVars.Set(varname, varvalue, force=force) return True def invalidateVariables(self, *variables): for varname in (x.rpartition('.')[2] for x in variables): self.clVars.Invalidate(varname, force=True) return True def applyTemplates(self, target=None, useClt=None, cltFilter=False, root=None, useDispatch=True, critical=False): """ Применить шаблоны. Args: target: дистрибутив, куда необходимо выполнить шаблоны (/ по умолчанию) useClt: использовать clt шаблоны cltFilter: применять фильтр на clt шаблоны root: каталог, куда будут наложны шаблоны (cl_root_path) """ from calculate.lib.cl_template import (TemplatesError, ProgressTemplate) if target is None: chroot = '/' elif isinstance(target, Distributive): chroot = target.getDirectory() else: chroot = target if root is None: root = '/' elif isinstance(root, Distributive): root = root.getDirectory() clt_filter = True if cltFilter in (True, "on") else False self.clVars.Set("cl_chroot_path", chroot, True) self.clVars.Set("cl_root_path", root, True) # определение каталогов содержащих шаблоны use_clt = useClt in ("on", True) self.addProgress() null_progress = lambda *args, **kw: None dispatch = self.dispatchConf if useDispatch else None cl_templ = ProgressTemplate(null_progress, self.clVars, cltObj=use_clt, cltFilter=clt_filter, printSUCCESS=self.printSUCCESS, printWARNING=self.printWARNING, askConfirm=self.askConfirm, dispatchConf=dispatch, printERROR=self.printERROR, critical=critical) try: cl_templ.applyTemplates() if cl_templ.hasError(): if cl_templ.getError(): raise TemplatesError(cl_templ.getError()) finally: if cl_templ: if cl_templ.cltObj: cl_templ.cltObj.closeFiles() cl_templ.closeFiles() return True class CommonLink(): """ Объект-связка объектов тип Install,Client,Action с Common объектом """ com = None @staticmethod def link_object(source, target): for fn in (x for x in dir(CoreWsdl.Common) if not x.startswith("_")): if hasattr(source, fn): setattr(target, fn, getattr(source, fn)) def set_link(self, com): """ Установить связь с Common объектом """ self.com = com self.link_object(com, self) class ActionError(Exception): pass class Tasks(): """ Класс для создания проверок необходимости запуска задачи в зависимости от результатра работы предыдущих задач """ def __init__(self, check): self.check = check def __call__(self, result, all_result): return self.check(result, all_result) def __or__(self, y): return Tasks(lambda result, all_result: self(result, all_result) or y(result, all_result)) def __ror__(self, y): return Tasks(lambda result, all_result: y(result, all_result) or self(result, all_result)) def __and__(self, y): return Tasks(lambda result, all_result: self(result, all_result) and y(result, all_result)) def __rand__(self, y): return Tasks(lambda result, all_result: y(result, all_result) and self(result, all_result)) def __invert__(self): return Tasks(lambda result, all_result: not self(result, all_result)) @classmethod def _result(self, result, all_result): return result @classmethod def success_all(cls, *tasks): """ Все указанные задачи выполнены и выполнены без ошибок """ return cls( lambda *args: all(x in cls._result(*args) and cls._result(*args)[x] for x in tasks)) @classmethod def success_one_of(cls, *tasks): """ Хотя бы одна из задач выполнена и хотя бы одна из выполненных без ошибок """ return cls( lambda *args: any(cls._result(*args)[x] for x in tasks if x in cls._result(*args))) @classmethod def success(cls, inessential=()): """ Все ранее запущенные задачи успешно завершены, результат задач inessential не важен """ return cls(lambda *args: all(cls._result(*args)[x] for x in cls._result(*args) if x not in inessential)) @classmethod def failed(cls, inessential=()): """ Хотя бы одна из задач завершилась неудачно, результат задач inessential не важен """ return cls(lambda *args: any(not cls._result(*args)[x] for x in cls._result(*args) if x not in inessential)) @classmethod def failed_all(cls, *tasks): """ Выполнена хотя бы одна задача и все те, которые выполнены с ошибкой """ def not_empty_all(l): l = list(l) return bool(l and all(l)) return cls( lambda *args: not_empty_all(not cls._result(*args)[x] for x in tasks if x in cls._result(*args))) @classmethod def failed_one_of(cls, *tasks): """ Хотя бы одна из указанных задач выполнена и выполнена с ошибкой """ return cls( lambda *args: any(x in cls._result(*args) and not cls._result(*args)[x] for x in tasks)) @classmethod def has(cls, *tasks): """ Был запуск всех перечисленных задач """ return cls(lambda *args: all(x in cls._result(*args) for x in tasks)) @classmethod def hasnot(cls, *tasks): """ Не было запуска ни одной из перечисленных задач """ return cls(lambda *args: all(x not in cls._result(*args) for x in tasks)) @classmethod def result(cls, task, eq=None, ne=None): if eq: wrapper = lambda *args: task in cls._result(*args) and cls._result(*args)[task] == eq elif ne: wrapper = lambda *args: task not in cls._result(*args) or cls._result(*args)[task] != ne else: wrapper = lambda *args: task in cls._result(*args) and cls._result(*args)[task] return cls(wrapper) @classmethod def has_any(cls, *tasks): """ Был запуск любой из задач """ return cls(lambda *args: any(x in cls._result(*args) for x in tasks)) class AllTasks(Tasks): @classmethod def _result(cls, result, all_result): return all_result class Action(MethodsInterface): """ Класс для реализации выполнения действия # default = {'depend':Tasks.success(), # # прятать вывод # 'hideout':False, # # задача важна, в случае False результат # # не сохраняется в self.result # 'essential':True} """ eachvar = None # список выполняемых задач tasks = [] # список исключений, которые выводятся в сокращенном формате # (ожидаемые ошибки) # остальные выводятся с именем модуля и номером строки native_error = () # сообщение об удачном завершении действия successMessage = None # сообщение при ошибке failedMessage = None # сообщение о прерывании interruptMessage = None # добавить стандартные сообщения в конце finishMessage = True def __init__(self): if self.finishMessage: tasks = [] if self.failedMessage: tasks.append( # вывести сообщение в случае ошибки {'name': 'failed', 'error': self.failedMessage, 'depend': (Tasks.failed() & Tasks.hasnot("interrupt"))}) if self.successMessage: tasks.append( # вывести сообщение в случае успеха {'name': 'success', 'message': self.successMessage, 'depend': (Tasks.success() & Tasks.hasnot("failed"))}) if self.interruptMessage: tasks.append( # вывести сообщение о том, что действие прервано {'name': 'intmessage', 'error': self.interruptMessage, 'depend': (Tasks.has("interrupt"))}) self.tasks = self.tasks + tasks self.group_name = "" self.clVars = None @classmethod def program(cls, progName): """ Проверить наличие программы """ return lambda dv: bool(getProgPath(progName)) @classmethod def packageInstalled(cls, pkg): """ Проверить было ли обновление пакета """ return lambda dv: False @classmethod def variables(cls, *varnames): """ Передать переменные как аргументы, поддерживается True,False """ return lambda dv: [dv.Get(x) if x not in (True, False) else x for x in varnames] reMethod = re.compile("^([A-Za-z]+)\.([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\(([^)]*)\)$") reMessageVars = re.compile("\{([^}]+)\}") def parseMethod(self, objs, dv, s, task): """ Разобрать строку метода, на объект, метод, аргументы """ result = self.reMethod.search(s) if not result: raise ActionError(_("Wrong method for task %s") % task) objname, methodname, args = result.groups() if objname not in objs: raise ActionError(_("Object %s not found") % objname) obj = objs[objname] if not hasattr(obj, methodname): raise ActionError(_("Method {method} for {obj} not found"). format(method=methodname, obj=objname)) def _convertMethodArg(param): """ Конвертировать аргумент для метода, взять по словарю, либо строка - имя переменной """ param = param.strip() mapstd = {'True': True, 'False': False, 'None': None, '""': "", "''": ""} if param in mapstd: return mapstd[param] if param.isdigit(): return int(param) if param.startswith('"') and param.endswith('"'): return param.strip('"') if param == 'eachvar': return self.eachvar _type = dv.getInfo(param).type if _type == "int": return dv.GetInteger(param) if _type in ("bool", "boolauto"): return dv.GetBool(param) return dv.Get(param) if args: args = [_convertMethodArg(x) for x in args.split(',')] else: args = () return getattr(obj, methodname), args def formatMessage(self, dv, message): """ Вставить значения переменных в текст сообщения """ class TextTrasformer(): @staticmethod def first_letter_upper(s): return "%s%s" % (s[0].upper(), s[1:]) tt = TextTrasformer() def replace_value(match): var = match.group(1) if ":" in var: var, func = var.split(':') else: func = None if var == "eachvar": val = self.eachvar else: val = dv.Get(var) if type(val) in (list, tuple): val = ", ".join(val) if func: if hasattr(tt, func): val = getattr(tt, func)(val) else: val = getattr(val, func)() return "{0}".format(val) return self.reMessageVars.sub(replace_value, str(message)) def runCondition(self, func_condition): """ Запустить метод проверки условия (если аргумент называется Get, то передавать в него не объект DataVars а метод Get, если у нет аргументов, то не передавать туда аргументы """ args = [] arg_count = func_condition.__code__.co_argcount for param_name in func_condition.__code__.co_varnames[:arg_count]: if param_name in ('Get', 'GetBool', 'Select', 'ZipVars'): args.append(getattr(self.clVars, param_name)) elif param_name == 'eachvar': args.append(self.eachvar) else: args.append(self.clVars) return func_condition(*args) def getFormatMessage(self, action, *fields): """ Получить сообщение для вывода среди нескольких с приоритетом и метод вывода """ for field in (x for x in fields if x in action): if "error" in field: print_func = self.printERROR elif "warning" in field: print_func = self.printWARNING else: print_func = self.printSUCCESS return print_func, self.formatMessage(self.clVars, action[field]) return None, None def get_tasks(self, tasks, result, all_result): """ Герератор задач (поддержка линейной обработки задач в группах) """ for task in tasks: if "group" in task or "tasks" in task: if all(self.get_condition_context(task, result, all_result).values()): self.group_name = task.get("group", "") if "while" in task: depend = task.get("while", []) depend = (depend if type(depend) in (list, tuple) else [depend]) depend.append(~Tasks.has_any("interrupt")) while all([x(result, all_result) for x in depend]): for action in self.get_tasks(task["tasks"], result, all_result): yield action else: for action in self.get_tasks(task["tasks"], result, all_result): yield action if not self.group_name: self.endGroup() else: self.group_name = "" else: yield task def get_condition_context(self, action, result, all_result): """ Получить результаты проверки по зависимосятм и условиям """ group, op, name = action.get("name", "").rpartition(':') # проверить по результатам # если указанно группа к имени с '!', то проверяется # только условие принадлежности задачи к группе if group and group.endswith('!'): group = group.strip('!') depend = [Tasks.success_all(group)] else: depend = action.get("depend", Tasks.success()) depend = (depend if type(depend) in (list, tuple) else [depend]) if group: depend.append(Tasks.success_all(group)) depend_result = all([x(result, all_result) for x in depend]) # проверить по условиям if depend_result: condition_funcs = action.get("condition", lambda dv: True) condition_funcs = (condition_funcs if type(condition_funcs) in (list, tuple) else [condition_funcs]) condition_result = all( [self.runCondition(x) for x in condition_funcs]) else: condition_result = True return {'condition': condition_result, 'depend': depend_result} def run(self, objs, dv): """Запустить список действий""" class StubLogger(): def info(self, s): pass result = {} all_result = {} self.group_name = "" self.clVars = dv if dv.Get('cl_env_debug_set') == 'off' or \ dv.Get('cl_root_readonly') == 'on' or \ dv.Get('cl_ebuild_phase') or os.getuid(): logger = StubLogger() else: logger = log("core-action.log", filename="/var/log/calculate/core-action.log", formatter="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") for obj in objs.values(): obj.set_link(self) obj.clVars = dv if hasattr(obj, "init"): obj.init() try: self.beginFrame() logger.info("Start {methodname}".format( methodname=self.method_name)) for action in self.get_tasks(self.tasks, result, all_result): foreach = action.get("foreach", "") if foreach: foreach = self.clVars.Get(foreach) else: foreach = [""] self.eachvar = "" for eachvar in foreach: self.eachvar = eachvar group, op, name = action.get("name", "").rpartition(':') res = True task = False self.clVars.Set('cl_task_name', name, force=True) try: run_context = self.get_condition_context(action, result, all_result) actinfo = "Run" if all(run_context.values()) else "Skip" logger.info( "{action} {name}: condition: {condition}, " "depend: {depend}".format( action=actinfo, name=name, condition=run_context['condition'], depend=run_context['depend'])) elsePrint, elseMessage = ( self.getFormatMessage(action, "else_error", "else_warning", "else_message")) if (run_context['depend'] and not run_context['condition'] and elseMessage): if "else_error" in action: all_result[name] = False if action.get("essential", True): result[name] = False elsePrint(elseMessage) if all(run_context.values()): self.writeFile() if self.group_name: self.startGroup(str(self.group_name)) self.group_name = None printFunc, message = self.getFormatMessage( action, "error", "warning", "message") if "confirm" in action and message: all_result[name] = \ self.askConfirm(str(message), action["confirm"]) result[name] = all_result[name] continue elif message: # если действие с командой if ("error" not in action and "method" in action or "command" in action): self.startTask(str(message)) task = True # действие содержит только сообщение else: if "error" in action: res = False printFunc(message) # запустить метод объекта if "method" in action: try: method, args = self.parseMethod( objs, dv, action["method"], name) if "decoration" in action: decfunc, decargs = self.parseMethod( objs, dv, action["decoration"], name) method = decfunc(*decargs)(method) res = method(*args) if res is None: res = False except CriticalError as e: self.printERROR(str(e)) self.endFrame() return False except self.native_error as e: if action.get('essential', True): printerror = self.printERROR else: printerror = self.printWARNING if hasattr(e, "addon") and e.addon: printerror(str(e.addon)) printerror(str(e)) res = False except Exception: error = shortTraceback(*sys.exc_info()) self.printERROR(error) res = False # запустить системную команду if "command" in action: hideout = action.get("hideout", False) cmdParam = [x.strip('"\'') for x in re.findall('["\'][^"\']+["\']|\S+', action["command"])] cmd = processProgress(*cmdParam) for line in cmd.progress(): if not hideout: self.printSUCCESS(line) if cmd.failed(): lineCmd = cmd.pipe.stderr.read().split('\n') for line in (x for x in lineCmd if x): self.printERROR(line) res = cmd.success() all_result[name] = res if action.get("essential", True): result[name] = res failedPrint, failedMessage = ( self.getFormatMessage(action, "failed_error", "failed_warning", "failed_message")) if not res and failedPrint: failedPrint(failedMessage) if task and res in (True, False, "skip"): self.endTask(res) logger.info("{name}: Result is {result}".format( name=name, result=res)) if res is True: on_success = action.get('on_success', None) if on_success: on_success() # else: # print "[-] Skip ",name except KeyboardInterrupt: all_result[name] = False if action.get("essential", True): result[name] = False self.endTask(False) self.printWARNING(_("Task interrupted")) all_result["interrupt"] = False result["interrupt"] = False logger.info("{name}: Interrupeted".format(name=name)) except self.native_error as e: if action.get('essential', True): printerror = self.printERROR else: printerror = self.printWARNING if hasattr(e, "addon") and e.addon: printerror(str(e.addon)) printerror(str(e)) result[name] = False all_result[name] = False logger.info("{name}: Native error".format(name=name)) except CriticalError as e: self.printERROR(str(e)) self.endFrame() return False except BaseException as e: result[name] = False all_result[name] = False error = shortTraceback(*sys.exc_info()) self.printERROR("%s:%s" % (name, error)) logger.info("{name}: Unknown exception {exp}".format( name=name, exp=e.__class__.__name__)) finally: dv.close() self.endFrame() if any(x in ("failed", "interrupt") for x in result): return False return True # Never used. Why do we need it? def commonView(self, sid, params, arg): dv = self.get_cache(sid, arg, "vars") if not dv: dv = getattr(self, "%s_vars" % arg)() else: dv.processRefresh() view = ViewInfo(dv, viewparams=params) self.set_cache(sid, arg, "vars", dv, smart=False) return view def catchExcept(*skipException): class wrapper: def __init__(self, f_static): f = f_static.__func__ self.f = f self.__name__ = f.__name__ self.__code__ = f.__code__ self.__doc__ = f.__doc__ self.__name__ = f.__name__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self.f(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: from .api_types import ViewInfo, \ GroupField, Field if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): error = _("Task interrupted") else: error = str(e) view = ViewInfo(groups=[]) group = GroupField(name=_("Error"), last=True) group.fields = [] group.fields.append(Field( name="error", label=error, default='color:red;', element="error")) view.groups.append(group) if not any(isinstance(e, x) for x in chain(skipException, (KeyboardInterrupt,))): print(shortTraceback(*sys.exc_info())) return view return wrapper def shortTraceback(e1, e2, e3): """ Return short traceback """ frame = e3 for i in traceback.format_exception(*(e1, e2, e3)): print(i, end=' ') while frame.tb_next: frame = frame.tb_next module, part = os.path.split(frame.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) if part.endswith('.py'): part = part[:-3] fallbackmod = part modname = [part] while module != '/' and not module.endswith('site-packages'): module, part = os.path.split(module) modname.insert(0, part) if module.endswith('site-packages'): modname = ".".join(modname) else: modname = fallbackmod return "%s:%s(%s:%s)" % (e1.__name__, str(e2), modname, frame.tb_lineno) class ActiveClientStatus(): Success = 0 Failed = 1 WrongSID = 2 class CoreWsdl(CoreServiceInterface): # client signals about presence @staticmethod def active_clients(cls, sid): # curThread = threading.currentThread() # REMOTE_ADDR = curThread.REMOTE_ADDR #why is this here? # cls.get_lang(cls, sid, "from active clients") if 0 < sid < cls.max_sid: try: # open file its session sid_file = cls.sids + "/%d.sid" % sid if not os.path.isfile(sid_file): return ActiveClientStatus.Failed # check sid in sid.db if not (os.path.isfile(cls.sids_file) and cls.find_sid_in_file(cls, sid)): try: os.unlink(sid_file) except (OSError, IOError): pass return ActiveClientStatus.Failed with cls.sid_locker: with open(sid_file, "rb") as fd: # read information about session sid_inf = pickle.load(fd) # reset counters sid_inf[1] = 0 sid_inf[2] = 0 fd.close() if not os.path.isfile(sid_file): return ActiveClientStatus.Failed fd = open(sid_file, "wb") pickle.dump(sid_inf, fd) fd.close() return ActiveClientStatus.Success except Exception: return ActiveClientStatus.Failed else: return ActiveClientStatus.WrongSID @staticmethod def serv_get_methods(cls, client_type): curThread = threading.currentThread() certificate = curThread.client_cert from .cert_cmd import find_cert_id cert_id = find_cert_id(certificate, cls.data_path, cls.certbase) rights = cls.serv_view_cert_right(cls, cert_id, cls.data_path, client_type) return_list = [] if client_type == "console": for meth in cls.return_conMethod(): right_flag = True for right in LoadedMethods.rightsMethods[meth[1]]: if right not in rights: right_flag = False if right_flag: return_list.append(meth) if not len(return_list): return [['0', '0']] return return_list else: for meth in cls.return_guiMethod(): right_flag = True for right in LoadedMethods.rightsMethods[meth[1]]: if right not in rights: right_flag = False if right_flag: return_list.append(meth) if not len(return_list): return [['0', '0']] return return_list # return a list of methods for the console as list @staticmethod def return_conMethod(): from .loaded_methods import LoadedMethods results = [] for item in LoadedMethods.conMethods: temp = [item] for i in LoadedMethods.conMethods[item]: temp.append(i) results.append(temp) return results # return a list of methods for the GUI as list @staticmethod def return_guiMethod(): from .loaded_methods import LoadedMethods results = [] dv = DataVars() dv.importVariables() for item in LoadedMethods.guiMethods: for i in range(0, len(LoadedMethods.guiMethods[item]), 4): if LoadedMethods.guiMethods[item][i + 3]: method_on = LoadedMethods.guiMethods[item][i + 3](dv.Get) else: method_on = True if method_on: temp = [item] for j in range(3): temp.append(LoadedMethods.guiMethods[item][i + j]) results.append(temp) dv.close() return results # get available sessions @staticmethod def serv_get_sessions(cls): result = [] fd = open(cls.sids_file, 'rb') while 1: try: # read all on one record list_sid = pickle.load(fd) except (KeyError, IOError, EOFError): break # if session id found result.append(str(list_sid[0])) fd.close() return result # check client alive @staticmethod def client_alive(cls, sid, SIDS_DIR): sid_path = SIDS_DIR + "/%d.sid" % sid if not os.path.isfile(sid_path): return 1 with cls.sid_locker: with open(sid_path, "rb") as fd: # read information about session sid_inf = pickle.load(fd) # flag absence client fd.close() if sid_inf[2] == 1: return 0 else: return 1 class Common(CommonMethods, MethodsInterface): """ class to interact with the processes """ def __init__(self, process_dict, progress_dict, table_dict, frame_list, pid): self.process_dict = process_dict self.progress_dict = progress_dict self.progress_dict['id'] = 0 self.table_dict = table_dict self.frame_list = frame_list self.pid = pid self.Num = 100000 def pauseProcess(self): from .gen_pid import ProcessStatus self.method_status = ProcessStatus.Paused self.writeFile() def resumeProcess(self): from .gen_pid import ProcessStatus self.method_status = ProcessStatus.Worked self.writeFile() def writeFile(self): """ write data in file """ from .baseClass import Basic from .gen_pid import ProcessMode if not os.path.exists(Basic.pids): makeDirectory(Basic.pids) build_id = "" try: from calculate.builder.variables.action import Actions if self.clVars.Get('cl_action') in Actions.All: build_id = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_id') except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): raise pid_file = path.join(Basic.pids, '%d.pid' % self.pid) try: with open(pid_file, 'wb') as f: d = {'name': self.process_dict['method_name'], 'mode': ProcessMode.CoreDaemon, 'os_pid': os.getpid(), 'status': self.process_dict['status'], 'id': build_id } pickle.dump(d, f) except (IOError, OSError) as e: print(str(e)) print(_("Failed to write the PID file %s!") % pid_file) def setProgress(self, perc, short_message=None, long_message=None): try: id = self.progress_dict['id'] self.progress_dict[id] = ReturnProgress(perc, short_message, long_message) except IOError: pass def setStatus(self, stat): self.process_dict['status'] = stat def setData(self, dat): self.data_list = dat def getStatus(self): try: return self.process_dict['status'] except IOError: return -1 def getProgress(self): try: id = self.progress_dict['id'] if id in self.progress_dict: return self.progress_dict[id].percent except IOError: pass return 0 def getAnswer(self): import time while self.process_dict['answer'] is None: time.sleep(0.5) res = self.process_dict['answer'] self.process_dict['answer'] = None self.frame_list.pop(len(self.frame_list) - 1) self.process_dict['counter'] -= 1 return res def addProgress(self, message=""): id = random.randint(1, self.Num) while id in self.progress_dict: id = random.randint(1, self.Num) self.progress_dict['id'] = id self.progress_dict[id] = ReturnProgress(0, '', '') self.addMessage(message_type='progress', id=id) def printTable(self, table_name, head, body, fields=None, onClick=None, addAction=None, step=None, records=None): id = random.randint(1, self.Num) while id in self.table_dict: id = random.randint(1, self.Num) from .api_types import Table table = Table(head=head, body=[[str(y) for y in x] for x in body], fields=fields, onClick=onClick, addAction=addAction, step=step, values=None, records=records) self.table_dict[id] = table self.addMessage(message_type='table', message=table_name, id=id) def addMessage(self, message_type='normal', message=None, id=None, onlyShow='', default=None): from .api_types import Message if isinstance(message, bytes): message = message.decode("UTF-8") re_clean = re.compile('\[(?:\d+;)?\d+m') messageObj = Message( message_type=message_type, message=( None if message in (None, True, False) else re_clean.sub('', message)), result=message if message in (True, False) else None, id=id, onlyShow=onlyShow, default=default) try: self.frame_list.append(messageObj) except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): raise print(_(("%s:" % message_type) + str(message))) def dropProgress(self): perc = self.getProgress() if perc == 0: self.setProgress(100) elif self.getProgress() > 0: self.setProgress(0 - self.getProgress()) else: # self.setProgress(-100) self.setProgress(perc) def printSUCCESS(self, message='', onlyShow=None): self.dropProgress() self.addMessage(message_type='normal', message=message, onlyShow=onlyShow) def printPre(self, message='', onlyShow=None): self.dropProgress() self.addMessage(message_type='pre', message=message, onlyShow=onlyShow) def printDefault(self, message='', onlyShow=None): self.dropProgress() self.addMessage(message_type='plain', message=message, onlyShow=onlyShow) def printWARNING(self, message, onlyShow=None): self.dropProgress() self.addMessage(message_type='warning', message=message, onlyShow=onlyShow) def printERROR(self, message='', onlyShow=None): self.dropProgress() self.addMessage(message_type='error', message=message, onlyShow=onlyShow) def startTask(self, message, progress=False, num=1): if progress: self.addMessage(message_type='startTask', message=message, id=num) self.addProgress() else: self.addMessage(message_type='startTask', message=message, id=num) def setTaskNumber(self, number=None): self.addMessage(message_type='taskNumber', message=str(number)) def endTask(self, result=None, progress_message=None): self.addMessage(message_type='endTask', message=result) self.setProgress(100, progress_message) def askConfirm(self, message, default="yes"): self.addMessage(message_type='confirm', message=message, default=default) ret = self.getAnswer() if ret == "": return default return ret def isInteractive(self): return True def askChoice(self, message, answers=(("yes", "Yes"), ("no", "No"))): self.addMessage(message_type='choice', message="%s|%s" % ( message, ",".join(("%s(%s)" % (x[0], x[1]) for x in answers)))) return self.getAnswer() def askQuestion(self, message): self.addMessage(message_type='question', message=message) return self.getAnswer() def askPassword(self, message, twice=False): pas_repeat = 2 if twice else 1 self.addMessage(message_type='password', message=message, id=pas_repeat) return self.getAnswer() def beginFrame(self, message=None): self.addMessage(message_type='beginFrame', message=message) def endFrame(self): self.addMessage(message_type='endFrame') def startGroup(self, message): self.addMessage(message_type='startGroup', message=message) def endGroup(self): self.addMessage(message_type='endGroup') # def cache(self, param): # sid = self.process_dict['sid'] # self.args[sid] = collections.OrderedDict() @staticmethod def startprocess(cls, sid, target=None, method=None, method_name=None, auto_delete=False, args_proc=()): """ start process """ pid = cls.gen_pid(cls) cls.add_sid_pid(cls, sid, pid) import multiprocessing if cls.manager is None: cls.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() # Manager for sending glob_process_dict between watcher and process # manager = multiprocessing.Manager() cls.glob_process_dict[pid] = cls.manager.dict() cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['sid'] = sid cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['status'] = 0 cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['time'] = "" cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['answer'] = None cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['name'] = "" cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['flag'] = 0 cls.glob_process_dict[pid]['counter'] = 0 cls.glob_frame_list[pid] = cls.manager.list() cls.glob_progress_dict[pid] = cls.manager.dict() cls.glob_table_dict[pid] = cls.manager.dict() # create object Common and send parameters com = target(cls.glob_process_dict[pid], cls.glob_progress_dict[pid], cls.glob_table_dict[pid], cls.glob_frame_list[pid], pid) if len(com.__class__.__bases__) > 1 and \ hasattr(com.__class__.__bases__[1], '__init__'): com.__class__.__bases__[1].__init__(com) # start helper com.method_name = method_name p = multiprocessing.Process(target=cls.target_helper, args=(cls, com, getattr(com, method)) + (method_name,) + args_proc) cls.process_pid[pid] = p p.start() if auto_delete: # start watcher (for kill process on signal) watcher = threading.Thread(target=cls.watcher_pid_proc, args=(cls, sid, pid)) watcher.start() return str(pid) # wrap all method @staticmethod def target_helper(cls, com, target_proc, method_name, *args_proc): if not os.path.exists(cls.pids): os.system('mkdir %s' % cls.pids) # PID_FILE = cls.pids + '/%d.pid'%com.pid import datetime dat = datetime.datetime.now() com.process_dict['status'] = 1 com.process_dict['time'] = dat # if method_name: com.process_dict['method_name'] = method_name com.process_dict['name'] = target_proc.__func__.__name__ try: result = target_proc(*args_proc) except Exception: result = False print_exc() fd = open(cls.log_filename, 'a') print_exc(file=fd) fd.close() try: if result is True: com.setStatus(0) com.writeFile() elif result is False: if com.getStatus() == 1: com.setStatus(2) com.writeFile() else: if com.getStatus() == 1: com.setStatus(2) else: com.setStatus(0) com.writeFile() try: if 0 < com.getProgress() < 100: com.setProgress(0 - com.getProgress()) if len(com.frame_list): last_message = com.frame_list[len(com.frame_list) - 1] if last_message.type != 'endFrame': com.endFrame() else: com.endFrame() except IOError: pass except Exception: print_exc() fd = open(cls.log_filename, 'a') print_exc(file=fd) fd.close() com.endFrame() @staticmethod def serv_view_cert_right(cls, cert_id, data_path, client_type=None): """ rights for the selected certificate """ try: cert_id = int(cert_id) except ValueError: return ["-2"] cert_file = data_path + '/client_certs/%s.crt' % str(cert_id) if not os.path.exists(cert_file): return ["-1"] cert = readFile(cert_file) # try: import OpenSSL certobj = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate( OpenSSL.SSL.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) com = certobj.get_extension( certobj.get_extension_count() - 1).get_data() groups = com.split(b':')[1].decode("UTF-8") groups_list = groups.split(',') # except: # return ['-1'] results = [] find_flag = False # if group = all and not redefined group all if 'all' in groups_list: fd = open(cls.group_rights, 'r') t = fd.read() # find all in group_rights file for line in t.splitlines(): if not line: continue if line.split()[0] == 'all': find_flag = True break if not find_flag: result = [] if client_type == 'console': for meth_list in cls.return_conMethod(): for right in LoadedMethods.rightsMethods[meth_list[1]]: result.append(right) else: for meth_list in cls.return_guiMethod(): for right in LoadedMethods.rightsMethods[meth_list[1]]: result.append(right) result = uniq(result) results = result if 'all' not in groups_list or find_flag: if not os.path.exists(cls.group_rights): open(cls.group_rights, 'w').close() with open(cls.group_rights) as fd: t = fd.read() for line in t.splitlines(): if not line: continue try: words = line.split(' ', 1) if len(words) < 2: continue # first word in line equal name input method if words[0] in groups_list: methods = words[1].split(',') for i in methods: results.append(i.strip()) except IndexError: print('except IndexError in serv_view_cert_right') continue results = uniq(results) add_list_rights = [] del_list_rights = [] with open(cls.rights) as fr: t = fr.read() for line in t.splitlines(): words = line.split() meth = words[0] for word in words: try: word = int(word) except ValueError: continue # compare with certificat number if cert_id == word: # if has right add_list_rights.append(meth) if cert_id == -word: del_list_rights.append(meth) results += add_list_rights results = uniq(results) for method in results: if method in del_list_rights: results.remove(method) if not results: results.append("No Methods") return results @staticmethod def get_lang(cls, sid, method_name=""): """ get clients lang """ lang = None SIDS_DIR = cls.sids with cls.sid_locker: sid_file = SIDS_DIR + "/%d.sid" % int(sid) if os.path.exists(sid_file): # fd = open(sid_file, 'r') with open(sid_file, 'rb') as fd: try: list_sid = pickle.load(fd) list_sid_sid = int(list_sid[0]) if sid == list_sid_sid: # print("SID FOUND") lang = list_sid[3] except IOError: print("some io error") pass except KeyError: print("Key error") pass except EOFError: print("EOF error") pass try: # print(lang) if lang.lower() not in ('uk', 'fr', 'ru', 'en'): lang = "en" except AttributeError: # print("Attr error") lang = "en" import locale try: lang = locale.locale_alias[lang.lower()] # print("lang got from locale: %s" % lang) except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError): lang = locale.locale_alias['en'] # print("Setting lang: %s " % lang) return lang def create_symlink(data_path, old_data_path): meths = LoadedMethods.conMethods path_to_link = '/usr/bin' core_wrapper = "/usr/libexec/calculate/cl-core-wrapper" #path_to_user_link = '/usr/bin' old_symlinks_file = os.path.join(old_data_path, 'conf/symlinks') symlinks_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'conf/symlinks') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path, 'conf')): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_path, 'conf')) except OSError: print (_("cannot create directory %s") % (os.path.join(data_path, 'conf'))) if os.path.exists(old_symlinks_file) and not os.path.exists(symlinks_file): with open(symlinks_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(readFile(old_symlinks_file)) os.unlink(old_symlinks_file) with open(symlinks_file, 'a') as fd: for link in meths: link_path = os.path.join(path_to_link, link) if os.path.islink(link_path): continue if os.path.isfile(link_path): red = '\033[31m * \033[0m' print(red + link_path + _(' is a file, not a link!')) continue try: if (os.path.islink(link_path) and os.readlink(link_path) != core_wrapper): os.unlink(link_path) os.symlink(core_wrapper, link_path) fd.write(link_path + '\n') except OSError as e: print(e) print(_('Symlink %s created') % link_path) temp_text_file = '' for line in readLinesFile(symlinks_file): cmdname = os.path.basename(line) if cmdname not in meths.keys() or not line.startswith(path_to_link): if os.path.islink(line): os.unlink(line) print(_('Symlink %s deleted') % line) else: temp_text_file += line + '\n' fd = open(symlinks_file, 'w') fd.write(temp_text_file) fd.close() def initialization(cl_wsdl): """ find modules for further added in server class """ cl_apis = [] for pack in cl_wsdl: if pack: module_name = '%s.wsdl_%s' % (pack.replace("-", "."), pack.rpartition("-")[2]) import importlib cl_wsdl_core = importlib.import_module(module_name) try: cl_apis.append(cl_wsdl_core.Wsdl) except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(_("Unable to import %s") % module_name) return cl_apis # Creation of secret key of the client def new_key_req(key, cert_path, serv_host_name, port): from .create_cert import (generateRSAKey, makePKey, makeRequest, passphrase_callback) rsa = generateRSAKey() rsa.save_key(key + '_pub', cipher=None, callback=passphrase_callback) pkey = makePKey(rsa) pkey.save_key(key, cipher=None, callback=passphrase_callback) req = makeRequest(rsa, pkey, serv_host_name, port) if not req: sys.exit() crtreq = req.as_pem() crtfile = open(cert_path + '/server.csr', 'wb') crtfile.write(crtreq) crtfile.close() # delete dublicate from list def uniq(seq): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)] class WsdlMeta(type): """ Метакласс для создания методов по атрибуту methdos """ datavars = {} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): if "methods" in attrs: for method in attrs["methods"]: attrs[method['method_name']] = mcs.caller_constructor(**method) attrs["%s_vars" % method[ 'method_name']] = mcs.datavars_constructor(**method) attrs["%s_view" % method['method_name']] = mcs.view_constructor(**method) return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) @classmethod def close_datavars(mcs): for dv in WsdlMeta.datavars.values(): dv.close() @classmethod def create_info_obj(mcs, **kwargs): """ Создание передаваемой структуры данных для WSDL """ def type_convert(s): if "bool3" in s: return String if "bool" in s: return Boolean elif "table" in s: return Array(Array(String)) elif "list" in s: return Array(String) else: return String d = {} d["cl_console_args"] = Array(String) if kwargs['datavars'] in WsdlMeta.datavars: dv = WsdlMeta.datavars[kwargs['datavars']] else: dv = DataVars() dv.importVariables() dv.importVariables('calculate.%s.variables' % kwargs['datavars']) dv.defaultModule = kwargs['datavars'] WsdlMeta.datavars[kwargs['datavars']] = dv def group(*args, **kwargs): for v in chain(kwargs.get('normal', ()), kwargs.get('expert', ())): varname = v.rpartition(".")[2] d[varname] = type_convert(dv.getInfo(v).type) for gr in kwargs['groups']: gr(group) # if "brief" in kwargs: #if "cl_page_count" not in d: if True: d["CheckOnly"] = Boolean return d @classmethod def caller_constructor(mcs, **kwargs): """ Конструктор для создания метода-вызова для действия """ # @staticmethod def wrapper(cls, sid, info): # костыль для локализации install callback_refresh = ( cls.fixInstallLocalization if kwargs['method_name'] == 'install' else lambda cls, dv, sid: True) return cls.callAction(cls, sid, info, logicClass=kwargs['logic'], actionClass=kwargs['action'], method_name=kwargs['method_name'], callbackRefresh=callback_refresh, invalidators=kwargs.get('invalidators', None) ) wrapper.__name__ = kwargs['method_name'] wrapper = staticmethod(wrapper) func = LoadedMethods.core_method(category=kwargs.get('category', None), title=kwargs['title'], image=kwargs.get('image', None), gui=kwargs['gui'], user=kwargs.get('user', False), command=kwargs.get('command', None), rights=kwargs['rights'], depends=kwargs.get('depends', ()), static_method=True)( wrapper) if "--start" in sys.argv: info_obj = mcs.create_info_obj(**kwargs) info_class = type("%sInfo" % kwargs["method_name"], (CommonInfo,), info_obj) #total hack: carry over info_class for later use func.__func__.info_class = info_class return func @classmethod def modify_datavars(mcs, dv, data): """ Поменять значения в datavars согласно data """ # установить заданные значения (!) принудительная установка for k, v in data.items(): # если значение функция if callable(v): v = v(dv) else: if isinstance(v, (str)): v = Variable._value_formatter.format(v, dv.Get) dv.Set(k.strip('!'), v, force=k.endswith('!')) @classmethod def view_constructor(mcs, **kwargs): """ Конструктор для создания метода-представления """ # @staticmethod def wrapper(cls, sid, params): dv = cls.get_cache(sid, kwargs["method_name"], "vars") lang_changed = False if kwargs["groups"]: def group(*args, **kwargs): if isinstance(kwargs.get('normal', ()), (str)): raise DataVarsError(_("Wrong normal varaiables list")) if isinstance(kwargs.get('expert', ()), (str)): raise DataVarsError(_("Wrong expert varaiables list")) for gr in kwargs['groups']: gr(group) if not dv: dv = getattr(cls, "%s_vars" % kwargs["method_name"])(cls, params=params) if hasattr(params, "clienttype"): if params.clienttype == 'gui' and "guivars" in kwargs: mcs.modify_datavars(dv, kwargs['guivars']) if params.clienttype != 'gui' and "consolevars" in kwargs: mcs.modify_datavars(dv, kwargs['consolevars']) dv.Set('main.cl_client_type', params.clienttype, force=True) else: # костыль для метода install, который меняет локализацию # интрефейса в зависимости от выбранного параметра lang if kwargs["method_name"] == 'install': lang_changed = cls.fixInstallLocalization(cls, sid, dv) lang = dv.Get('install.os_install_locale_lang') cls.set_cache(sid, "install", "lang", lang, smart=False) dv.processRefresh() cls.set_cache(sid, kwargs["method_name"], "vars", dv, smart=False) if "brief" in kwargs and "name" in kwargs['brief']: brief_label = str(kwargs['brief']['name']) else: brief_label = None if kwargs["groups"]: view = ViewInfo(dv, viewparams=params, has_brief="brief" in kwargs, allsteps=lang_changed, brief_label=brief_label) else: view = ViewInfo() return view wrapper.__name__ = "%s_view" % kwargs['method_name'] wrapper = staticmethod(wrapper) return catchExcept(kwargs.get("native_error", ()))(wrapper) @classmethod def datavars_constructor(mcs, **kwargs): """ Конструктор для создания метода описания параметров """ @staticmethod def wrapper(cls, dv=None, params=None): if not dv: _dv = DataVars() _dv.importVariables() _dv.importVariables( 'calculate.%s.variables' % kwargs['datavars']) _dv.defaultModule = kwargs['datavars'] _dv.flIniFile() if params and params.help_set: _dv.Set('cl_help_set', "on", force=True) if params and params.dispatch_usenew: _dv.Set('cl_dispatch_conf', "usenew", force=True) if params: if params.conargs: conargs = list(params.conargs) else: conargs = [] if params.dispatch_usenew: conargs.append("--force") _dv.Set('cl_console_args', conargs, force=True) else: _dv = dv # созданием группы переменных из datavars согласно параметрам groups for groupfunc in kwargs['groups']: groupfunc(_dv.addGroup) if not dv: mcs.modify_datavars(_dv, kwargs['setvars']) # указание brief если нужно if "brief" in kwargs: _dv.addBrief( next_label=str(kwargs['brief'].get('next', _('Next'))), image=kwargs['brief'].get('image', None)) return _dv return wrapper class WsdlBase(metaclass=WsdlMeta): """ Базовый класс для автосоздания методов по описанию methods """ # __metaclass__ = WsdlMeta def clearDataVars(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: WsdlMeta.close_datavars() return wrapper class CustomButton(): @classmethod def sort_argv(cls, args): behavior = [] condition = None for arg in args: if callable(arg): condition = arg else: behavior.append(arg) return (behavior or None), condition @classmethod def run_method(cls, method_name, id, label, *args): behavior, condition = cls.sort_argv(args) return id, label, method_name, "button", behavior, condition @classmethod def open_method(cls, method_name, id, label, *args): behavior, condition = cls.sort_argv(args) return id, label, method_name, "button_view", behavior, condition @classmethod def next_button(cls, id=None, label=None): return id, label, None, "button_next" class Behavior(): @classmethod def link(cls, source=None, target=None): return "%s=%s" % (target, source) @classmethod def linkerror(cls, source=None, target=None): return "%s->%s" % (source, target) @classmethod def setvalue(cls, variable=None, value=None): return "%s!=%s" % (variable, value)