{*** весь вывод какой есть ***} [<] == www-plugins/live-http-headers (0.17-r3 -> 0.17-r3) [1]: View HTTP headers of a page and while browsing [<] == www-plugins/noscript (11.0.3 -> 11.0.3) [1]: Allow active content in firefox to run only from trusted sites. [<] == www-plugins/ringleader (0.3_pre20150914 -> 0.3_pre20150914) [1]: FxPnH is a Firefox addon which makes it possible to use Firefox with Plug-n-Hack providers
{*** добавил так ***} sudo echo "*::pentoo" » /etc/portage/package.mask/custom.cldx sudo echo "app-crypt/rcracki_mt::pentoo" » /etc/portage/package.unmask/custom.cldx
# FEATURES="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build n rtl8821ce Calculating dependencies ... done! >>> Verifying ebuild manifests >>> Jobs: 0 of 1 complete, 1 running Load avg: 1.15, 1.98, 2.08
# FEATURES="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce Calculating dependencies ... done! >>> Verifying ebuild manifests >>> Jobs: 0 of 1 complete, 1 running Load avg: 0.69, 1.03, 1.71
# FEATURES ="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable
# FEATURES = "-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable
# FEATURES = "-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build n rtl8821ce bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable