

sudo layman -a pentoo
# FEATURES="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build n rtl8821ce
Calculating dependencies  ... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Jobs: 0 of 1 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 1.15, 1.98, 2.08
# FEATURES="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce
Calculating dependencies  ... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Jobs: 0 of 1 complete, 1 running                Load avg: 0.69, 1.03, 1.71
# FEATURES ="-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce
bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable
# FEATURES = "-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build rtl8821ce
bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable
# FEATURES = "-getbinpkg" emerge --quiet-build n rtl8821ce
bash: FEATURES : commande introuvable
# emerge --quiet-build n rtl8821ce

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
Calculating dependencies  ... done!
# emerge —quiet-build n rtl8821ce

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
!!! '—quiet-build' is not a valid package atom.
!!! Please check ebuild(5) for full details.
$ emerge —quiet-build n rtl8821ce

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
emerge: superuser access is required
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