
Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
[I] dev-libs/openssl
     Доступные версии:      1.0.2u^td ~1.1.0l(0/1.1)^td 1.1.1d-r3(0/1.1)^td {+asm bindist gmp kerberos rfc3779 sctp sslv2 (+)sslv3 static-libs test (+)tls-heartbeat vanilla zlib ABI_MIPS="n32 n64 o32" ABI_RISCV="lp64 lp64d" ABI_S390="32 64" ABI_X86="32 64 x32" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2" ELIBC="musl"}
     Установленные версии:  1.1.1d-r3(0/1.1)^td(10:12:33 28.11.2019)(asm zlib -bindist -rfc3779 -sctp -sslv3 -static-libs -test -tls-heartbeat -vanilla ABI_MIPS="-n32 -n64 -o32" ABI_RISCV="-lp64 -lp64d" ABI_S390="-32 -64" ABI_X86="32 64 -x32" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2" ELIBC="-musl")
     Домашняя страница:
Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.

Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.
[I] app-eselect/eselect-php
     Доступные версии:      0.9.4-r5{tbz2} ~0.9.5 **9999*l {apache2 fpm}
     Установленные версии:  0.9.4-r5{tbz2}(13:31:51 24.01.2020)(apache2 fpm)
     Домашняя страница:
eix seamonkey
[I] www-client/seamonkey
     Доступные версии:      2.49.5-r1^t{tbz2} [M]^t {+calendar +chatzilla +crypt custom-cflags custom-optimization dbus debug (+)force-gtk3 +gmp-autoupdate +ipc jack +jemalloc minimal neon pulseaudio +roaming selinux startup-notification system-cairo system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jpeg system-libevent system-libvpx system-sqlite test wifi L10N="cs de en-GB es-AR es-ES fr hu it ja lt nl pl pt-PT ru sk sv zh-CN zh-TW"}
     Установленные версии:  2.49.5-r1^t{tbz2}(22:01:05 23.01.2020)(calendar chatzilla crypt dbus force-gtk3 gmp-autoupdate ipc jemalloc pulseaudio roaming startup-notification system-icu system-jpeg system-libvpx system-sqlite -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -debug -jack -minimal -neon -selinux -system-cairo -system-harfbuzz -system-libevent -test -wifi L10N="cs de es-AR es-ES fr hu it lt nl pl pt-PT ru sk sv -en-GB -ja -zh-CN -zh-TW")
[root@192 openvpn]# openvpn --config client.ovpn 
Thu Jan 23 16:29:12 2020 WARNING: Ignoring option 'dh' in tls-client mode, please only include this in your server configuration
Thu Jan 23 16:29:12 2020 OpenVPN 2.4.8 x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Nov  1 2019
Thu Jan 23 16:29:12 2020 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1c FIPS  28 May 2019, LZO 2.08
fwm4 --replace

(xfwm4:10323): Gtk-WARNING **: 03:37:55.975: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:243:333: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
equery f xcompmgr
 * Searching for xcompmgr ...
 * Contents of x11-misc/xcompmgr-1.1.8:
calculate /home/belka # eix xcompmgr
[I] x11-misc/xcompmgr
     Доступные версии:      1.1.8{tbz2}
     Установленные версии:  1.1.8{tbz2}(00:02:18 24.11.2019)
<< < 532 533 534 535 536 > >>