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#131422 (24.01.2020 14:20)
#138364 (18.07.2020 12:14).
1 | ||
1 | ||
2 | Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used. | |
3 | ||
4 | [32;01mLocal copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used.[39;49;00m | |
5 | ||
6 | [32mThese are the packages that would be merged, in order:[39;49;00m | |
7 | ||
8 | Calculating dependencies ... done! | |
9 | [[32;01mebuild[39;49;00m [32;01mN[39;49;00m ] [32;01mdev-lang/php-7.3.13:7.3::gentoo[39;49;00m USE="[31;01macl[39;49;00m [31;01mapache2[39;49;00m [31;01mberkdb[39;49;00m [31;01mbzip2[39;49;00m [31;01mcgi[39;49;00m [31;01mcli[39;49;00m [31;01mctype[39;49;00m [31;01mcurl[39;49;00m [31;01mexif[39;49;00m [31;01mfileinfo[39;49;00m [31;01mfilter[39;49;00m [31;01mflatfile[39;49;00m [31;01mfpm[39;49;00m [31;01mftp[39;49;00m [31;01mgd[39;49;00m [31;01mgdbm[39;49;00m [31;01mhash[39;49;00m [31;01miconv[39;49;00m [31;01mintl[39;49;00m [31;01mipv6[39;49;00m [31;01mjson[39;49;00m [31;01mmysql[39;49;00m [31;01mmysqli[39;49;00m [31;01mnls[39;49;00m [31;01mopcache[39;49;00m [31;01mpcntl[39;49;00m [31;01mpdo[39;49;00m [31;01mphar[39;49;00m [31;01mposix[39;49;00m [31;01mpostgres[39;49;00m [31;01mreadline[39;49;00m [31;01msession[39;49;00m [31;01msimplexml[39;49;00m [31;01msockets[39;49;00m [31;01msqlite[39;49;00m [31;01mssl[39;49;00m [31;01mthreads[39;49;00m [31;01mtokenizer[39;49;00m [31;01mtruetype[39;49;00m [31;01municode[39;49;00m [31;01mwebp[39;49;00m [31;01mxml[39;49;00m [31;01mxmlreader[39;49;00m [31;01mxmlwriter[39;49;00m [31;01mzip[39;49;00m [31;01mzlib[39;49;00m [34;01m-argon2[39;49;00m [34;01m-bcmath[39;49;00m [34;01m-calendar[39;49;00m [34;01m-cdb[39;49;00m [34;01m-cjk[39;49;00m ([34;01m-coverage[39;49;00m) [34;01m-debug[39;49;00m [34;01m-embed[39;49;00m [34;01m-enchant[39;49;00m ([34;01m-firebird[39;49;00m) [34;01m-gmp[39;49;00m [34;01m-imap[39;49;00m [34;01m-inifile[39;49;00m [34;01m-iodbc[39;49;00m [34;01m-kerberos[39;49;00m [34;01m-ldap[39;49;00m [34;01m-ldap-sasl[39;49;00m [34;01m-libedit[39;49;00m [34;01m-libressl[39;49;00m [34;01m-lmdb[39;49;00m [34;01m-mhash[39;49;00m [34;01m-mssql[39;49;00m [34;01m-oci8-instant-client[39;49;00m [34;01m-odbc[39;49;00m [34;01m-phpdbg[39;49;00m [34;01m-qdbm[39;49;00m [34;01m-recode[39;49;00m ([34;01m-selinux[39;49;00m) [34;01m-session-mm[39;49;00m [34;01m-sharedmem[39;49;00m [34;01m-snmp[39;49;00m [34;01m-soap[39;49;00m [34;01m-sodium[39;49;00m [34;01m-spell[39;49;00m ([34;01m-systemd[39;49;00m) [34;01m-sysvipc[39;49;00m [34;01m-test[39;49;00m [34;01m-tidy[39;49;00m [34;01m-tokyocabinet[39;49;00m [34;01m-wddx[39;49;00m [34;01m-xmlrpc[39;49;00m [34;01m-xpm[39;49;00m [34;01m-xslt[39;49;00m [34;01m-zip-encryption[39;49;00m" 0 KiB | |
10 | ||
11 | Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 0 KiB | |
12 | >>> Verifying ebuild manifests | |
13 | ||
14 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m running Load avg: 1.02, 1.14, 1.33 | |
15 | >>> Emerging ([33;01m1[39;49;00m of [33;01m1[39;49;00m) [32mdev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo[39;49;00m | |
16 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m running Load avg: 1.02, 1.14, 1.33 | |
17 | >>> [31;01mFailed[39;49;00m to emerge [32mdev-lang/php-7.3.13[39;49;00m, Log file: | |
18 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m running Load avg: 1.48, 1.27, 1.36 | |
19 | >>> '[32m/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/build.log[39;49;00m' | |
20 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m running Load avg: 1.48, 1.27, 1.36 | |
21 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m running, [32m1[39;49;00m failed Load avg: 1.48, 1.27, 1.36 | |
22 | >>> Jobs: [32m0[39;49;00m of [32m1[39;49;00m complete, [32m1[39;49;00m failed Load avg: 1.48, 1.27, 1.36 | |
23 | ||
24 | * Package: dev-lang/php-7.3.13 | |
25 | * Repository: gentoo | |
26 | * Maintainer: php-bugs@gentoo.org | |
27 | * USE: abi_x86_64 acl amd64 apache2 berkdb bzip2 cgi cli ctype curl elibc_glibc exif fileinfo filter flatfile fpm ftp gd gdbm hash iconv intl ipv6 json kernel_linux mysql mysqli nls opcache pcntl pdo phar posix postgres readline session simplexml sockets sqlite ssl threads tokenizer truetype unicode userland_GNU webp xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib | |
28 | * FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox usersandbox | |
29 | >>> Unpacking source... | |
30 | >>> Unpacking php-7.3.13.tar.xz to /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work | |
31 | >>> Source unpacked in /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work | |
32 | >>> Preparing source in /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/php-7.3.13 ... | |
33 | * Applying php-freetype-2.9.1.patch ... | |
34 | [ ok ] | |
35 | * Running eautoreconf in '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/php-7.3.13' ... | |
36 | * Running libtoolize --install --copy --force ... | |
37 | [ ok ] | |
38 | * Running aclocal ... | |
39 | [ ok ] | |
40 | * Running autoconf --force ... | |
41 | [ ok ] | |
42 | * Running autoheader ... | |
43 | [ ok ] | |
44 | * Running elibtoolize in: php-7.3.13/ | |
45 | * Applying portage/1.2.0 patch ... | |
46 | * Applying sed/1.5.6 patch ... | |
47 | * Applying as-needed/2.4.3 patch ... | |
48 | >>> Source prepared. | |
49 | >>> Configuring source in /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/php-7.3.13 ... | |
50 | * econf: updating php-7.3.13/config.sub with /usr/share/gnuconfig/config.sub | |
51 | * econf: updating php-7.3.13/config.guess with /usr/share/gnuconfig/config.guess | |
52 | * econf: updating sapis-build/cli/config.sub with /usr/share/gnuconfig/config.sub | |
53 | * econf: updating sapis-build/cli/config.guess with /usr/share/gnuconfig/config.guess | |
54 | ./configure --prefix=/usr --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --docdir=/usr/share/doc/php-7.3.13 --htmldir=/usr/share/doc/php-7.3.13/html --with-sysroot=/ --prefix=/usr/lib64/php7.3 --mandir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/man --infodir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/info --libdir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/lib --with-libdir=lib64 --localstatedir=/var --without-pear --enable-maintainer-zts --without-password-argon2 --disable-bcmath --with-bz2=/usr --disable-calendar --disable-gcov --enable-ctype --with-curl=/usr --enable-dom --without-enchant --enable-exif --enable-fileinfo --enable-filter --enable-ftp --with-gettext=/usr --without-gmp --enable-hash --without-mhash --with-iconv --enable-intl --enable-ipv6 --enable-json --without-kerberos --enable-libxml --with-libxml-dir=/usr --enable-mbstring --with-onig=/usr --with-openssl=/usr --with-openssl-dir=/usr --enable-pcntl --enable-phar --enable-pdo --enable-opcache --with-pgsql=/usr --enable-posix --without-pspell --without-recode --enable-simplexml --disable-shmop --without-snmp --disable-soap --enable-sockets --without-sodium --with-sqlite3=/usr --disable-sysvmsg --disable-sysvsem --disable-sysvshm --without-tidy --enable-tokenizer --disable-wddx --enable-xml --enable-xmlreader --enable-xmlwriter --without-xmlrpc --without-xsl --enable-zip --without-libzip --with-zlib=/usr --disable-debug --enable-dba --without-cdb --with-db4=/usr --enable-flatfile --with-gdbm=/usr --disable-inifile --without-qdbm --without-lmdb --with-freetype-dir=/usr --disable-gd-jis-conv --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --without-xpm-dir --with-webp-dir=/usr --with-gd --without-interbase --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --without-unixODBC --without-iodbc --without-oci8 --without-pdo-dblib --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-pdo-pgsql --with-pdo-sqlite=/usr --without-pdo-firebird --without-pdo-odbc --without-pdo-oci --with-readline=/usr --without-libedit --without-mm --with-pic --with-pcre-regex=/usr --with-pcre-dir=/usr --without-pcre-valgrind --without-pcre-jit --cache-file=/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/config.cache --with-config-file-path=/etc/php/cli-php7.3 --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active --disable-embed --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-fpm --without-apxs2 --disable-phpdbg | |
55 | configure: creating cache /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/config.cache | |
56 | checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep | |
57 | checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E | |
58 | checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed | |
59 | checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu | |
60 | checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu | |
61 | checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu | |
62 | checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-cc... no | |
63 | checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc | |
64 | checking whether the C compiler works... yes | |
65 | checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out | |
66 | checking for suffix of executables... | |
67 | checking whether we are cross compiling... no | |
68 | checking for suffix of object files... o | |
69 | checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes | |
70 | checking whether x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc accepts -g... yes | |
71 | checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed | |
72 | checking how to run the C preprocessor... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -E | |
73 | checking for icc... no | |
74 | checking for suncc... no | |
75 | checking whether x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc and cc understand -c and -o together... yes | |
76 | checking how to run the C preprocessor... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -E | |
77 | checking for ANSI C header files... yes | |
78 | checking for sys/types.h... yes | |
79 | checking for sys/stat.h... yes | |
80 | checking for stdlib.h... yes | |
81 | checking for string.h... yes | |
82 | checking for memory.h... yes | |
83 | checking for strings.h... yes | |
84 | checking for inttypes.h... yes | |
85 | checking for stdint.h... yes | |
86 | checking for unistd.h... yes | |
87 | checking minix/config.h usability... no | |
88 | checking minix/config.h presence... no | |
89 | checking for minix/config.h... no | |
90 | checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes | |
91 | checking whether ln -s works... yes | |
92 | checking for system library directory... lib64 | |
93 | checking whether to enable runpaths... yes | |
94 | checking if compiler supports -R... no | |
95 | checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes | |
96 | checking for gawk... gawk | |
97 | checking for bison... bison -y | |
98 | checking for bison version... 3.1 (ok) | |
99 | checking for re2c... re2c | |
100 | checking for re2c version... 1.2.1 (ok) | |
101 | checking whether to enable computed goto gcc extension with re2c... no | |
102 | checking whether C compiler accepts -fvisibility=hidden... yes | |
103 | checking whether to force non-PIC code in shared modules... no | |
104 | checking whether /dev/urandom exists... yes | |
105 | checking whether /dev/arandom exists... no | |
106 | checking for global register variables support... yes | |
107 | checking whether atof() accepts NAN... no | |
108 | checking whether atof() accepts INF... no | |
109 | checking whether HUGE_VAL == INF... yes | |
110 | checking whether HUGE_VAL + -HUGEVAL == NAN... no | |
111 | checking whether __cpuid_count is available... yes | |
112 | checking for pthreads_cflags... -pthread | |
113 | checking for pthreads_lib... pthread | |
114 | ||
115 | [1mConfiguring SAPI modules[m | |
116 | checking for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS... no | |
117 | checking for setproctitle... no | |
118 | checking sys/pstat.h usability... no | |
119 | checking sys/pstat.h presence... no | |
120 | checking for sys/pstat.h... no | |
121 | checking for PS_STRINGS... no | |
122 | checking for CLI build... yes | |
123 | checking for embedded SAPI library support... no | |
124 | checking for FPM build... no | |
125 | checking for LiteSpeed support... no | |
126 | checking for phpdbg support... no | |
127 | checking for phpdbg web SAPI support... no | |
128 | checking for phpdbg debug build... no | |
129 | checking for phpdbg readline support... no | |
130 | checking for CGI build... no | |
131 | checking for chosen SAPI module... none | |
132 | checking for executable SAPI binaries... cli | |
133 | ||
134 | [1mRunning system checks[m | |
135 | checking for sendmail... /usr/sbin/sendmail | |
136 | checking whether system uses EBCDIC... no | |
137 | checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no | |
138 | checking whether writing to stdout works... This is the test message -- yes | |
139 | checking for socket... yes | |
140 | checking for socketpair... yes | |
141 | checking for htonl... yes | |
142 | checking for gethostname... yes | |
143 | checking for gethostbyaddr... yes | |
144 | checking for yp_get_default_domain... no | |
145 | checking for __yp_get_default_domain... no | |
146 | checking for yp_get_default_domain in -lnsl... yes | |
147 | checking for dlopen... no | |
148 | checking for __dlopen... no | |
149 | checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes | |
150 | checking for sin in -lm... yes | |
151 | checking for inet_aton... yes | |
152 | checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes | |
153 | checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes | |
154 | checking for library containing opendir... none required | |
155 | checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes | |
156 | checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes | |
157 | checking for dirent.h... yes | |
158 | checking for ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h... no | |
159 | checking for sys/param.h... yes | |
160 | checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes | |
161 | checking for sys/time.h... yes | |
162 | checking for netinet/in.h... yes | |
163 | checking for alloca.h... yes | |
164 | checking for arpa/inet.h... yes | |
165 | checking for arpa/nameser.h... yes | |
166 | checking for assert.h... yes | |
167 | checking for crypt.h... yes | |
168 | checking for dns.h... no | |
169 | checking for fcntl.h... yes | |
170 | checking for grp.h... yes | |
171 | checking for ieeefp.h... no | |
172 | checking for langinfo.h... yes | |
173 | checking for limits.h... yes | |
174 | checking for locale.h... yes | |
175 | checking for monetary.h... yes | |
176 | checking for netdb.h... yes | |
177 | checking for poll.h... yes | |
178 | checking for pwd.h... yes | |
179 | checking for resolv.h... yes | |
180 | checking for signal.h... yes | |
181 | checking for stdarg.h... yes | |
182 | checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes | |
183 | checking for string.h... (cached) yes | |
184 | checking for syslog.h... yes | |
185 | checking for sysexits.h... yes | |
186 | checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes | |
187 | checking for sys/file.h... yes | |
188 | checking for sys/mman.h... yes | |
189 | checking for sys/mount.h... yes | |
190 | checking for sys/poll.h... yes | |
191 | checking for sys/resource.h... yes | |
192 | checking for sys/select.h... yes | |
193 | checking for sys/socket.h... yes | |
194 | checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes | |
195 | checking for sys/statfs.h... yes | |
196 | checking for sys/statvfs.h... yes | |
197 | checking for sys/vfs.h... yes | |
198 | checking for sys/sysexits.h... no | |
199 | checking for sys/varargs.h... no | |
200 | checking for sys/wait.h... yes | |
201 | checking for sys/loadavg.h... no | |
202 | checking for termios.h... yes | |
203 | checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes | |
204 | checking for unix.h... no | |
205 | checking for utime.h... yes | |
206 | checking for sys/utsname.h... yes | |
207 | checking for sys/ipc.h... yes | |
208 | checking for dlfcn.h... yes | |
209 | checking for assert.h... (cached) yes | |
210 | checking for tmmintrin.h... yes | |
211 | checking for nmmintrin.h... yes | |
212 | checking for immintrin.h... yes | |
213 | checking for fopencookie... yes | |
214 | checking for broken getcwd... no | |
215 | checking for broken libc stdio... yes | |
216 | checking for broken gcc optimize-strlen... no | |
217 | checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h | |
218 | checking for struct tm.tm_zone... yes | |
219 | checking for missing declarations of reentrant functions... done | |
220 | checking for fclose declaration... ok | |
221 | checking for tm_gmtoff in struct tm... yes | |
222 | checking for struct flock... yes | |
223 | checking for socklen_t... yes | |
224 | checking size of size_t... 8 | |
225 | checking size of long long... 8 | |
226 | checking size of long long int... 8 | |
227 | checking size of long... 8 | |
228 | checking size of int... 4 | |
229 | checking size of intmax_t... 8 | |
230 | checking size of ssize_t... 8 | |
231 | checking size of ptrdiff_t... 8 | |
232 | checking size of short... 2 | |
233 | checking size of int... (cached) 4 | |
234 | checking size of long... (cached) 8 | |
235 | checking size of long long... (cached) 8 | |
236 | checking for int8... no | |
237 | checking for int16... no | |
238 | checking for int32... no | |
239 | checking for int64... no | |
240 | checking for int8_t... yes | |
241 | checking for int16_t... yes | |
242 | checking for int32_t... yes | |
243 | checking for int64_t... yes | |
244 | checking for uint8... no | |
245 | checking for uint16... no | |
246 | checking for uint32... no | |
247 | checking for uint64... no | |
248 | checking for uint8_t... yes | |
249 | checking for uint16_t... yes | |
250 | checking for uint32_t... yes | |
251 | checking for uint64_t... yes | |
252 | checking for u_int8_t... yes | |
253 | checking for u_int16_t... yes | |
254 | checking for u_int32_t... yes | |
255 | checking for u_int64_t... yes | |
256 | checking for __builtin_expect... yes | |
257 | checking for __builtin_clz... yes | |
258 | checking for __builtin_ctzl... yes | |
259 | checking for __builtin_ctzll... yes | |
260 | checking for __builtin_smull_overflow... yes | |
261 | checking for __builtin_smulll_overflow... yes | |
262 | checking for __builtin_saddl_overflow... yes | |
263 | checking for __builtin_saddll_overflow... yes | |
264 | checking for __builtin_ssubl_overflow... yes | |
265 | checking for __builtin_ssubll_overflow... yes | |
266 | checking for __builtin_cpu_init... yes | |
267 | checking for __builtin_cpu_supports... yes | |
268 | checking for ssse3 instructions supports... yes | |
269 | checking for sse4.2 instructions supports... no | |
270 | checking for avx instructions supports... no | |
271 | checking for avx2 instructions supports... no | |
272 | checking whether __SSE4_2__ is defined... no | |
273 | checking for struct stat.st_blksize... yes | |
274 | checking for struct stat.st_rdev... yes | |
275 | checking for struct stat.st_blocks... yes | |
276 | checking for size_t... yes | |
277 | checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes | |
278 | checking for struct sockaddr_storage... yes | |
279 | checking for field sa_len in struct sockaddr... no | |
280 | checking for __attribute__((ifunc))... yes | |
281 | checking for __attribute__((target))... yes | |
282 | checking for IPv6 support... yes | |
283 | checking for vprintf... yes | |
284 | checking for _doprnt... no | |
285 | checking for alphasort... yes | |
286 | checking for asctime_r... yes | |
287 | checking for chroot... yes | |
288 | checking for ctime_r... yes | |
289 | checking for cuserid... yes | |
290 | checking for crypt... no | |
291 | checking for explicit_memset... no | |
292 | checking for flock... yes | |
293 | checking for ftok... yes | |
294 | checking for funopen... no | |
295 | checking for gai_strerror... yes | |
296 | checking for gcvt... yes | |
297 | checking for getloadavg... yes | |
298 | checking for getlogin... yes | |
299 | checking for getprotobyname... yes | |
300 | checking for getprotobynumber... yes | |
301 | checking for getservbyname... yes | |
302 | checking for getservbyport... yes | |
303 | checking for gethostname... (cached) yes | |
304 | checking for getrusage... yes | |
305 | checking for gettimeofday... yes | |
306 | checking for gmtime_r... yes | |
307 | checking for getpwnam_r... yes | |
308 | checking for getgrnam_r... yes | |
309 | checking for getpwuid_r... yes | |
310 | checking for grantpt... yes | |
311 | checking for inet_ntoa... yes | |
312 | checking for inet_ntop... yes | |
313 | checking for inet_pton... yes | |
314 | checking for isascii... yes | |
315 | checking for link... yes | |
316 | checking for localtime_r... yes | |
317 | checking for lockf... yes | |
318 | checking for lchown... yes | |
319 | checking for lrand48... yes | |
320 | checking for memcpy... yes | |
321 | checking for memmove... yes | |
322 | checking for mkstemp... yes | |
323 | checking for mmap... yes | |
324 | checking for nl_langinfo... yes | |
325 | checking for perror... yes | |
326 | checking for poll... yes | |
327 | checking for ptsname... yes | |
328 | checking for putenv... yes | |
329 | checking for realpath... yes | |
330 | checking for random... yes | |
331 | checking for rand_r... yes | |
332 | checking for scandir... yes | |
333 | checking for setitimer... yes | |
334 | checking for setlocale... yes | |
335 | checking for localeconv... yes | |
336 | checking for setenv... yes | |
337 | checking for setpgid... yes | |
338 | checking for setsockopt... yes | |
339 | checking for setvbuf... yes | |
340 | checking for shutdown... yes | |
341 | checking for sin... yes | |
342 | checking for snprintf... yes | |
343 | checking for srand48... yes | |
344 | checking for srandom... yes | |
345 | checking for statfs... yes | |
346 | checking for statvfs... yes | |
347 | checking for std_syslog... no | |
348 | checking for strcasecmp... yes | |
349 | checking for strcoll... yes | |
350 | checking for strdup... yes | |
351 | checking for strerror... yes | |
352 | checking for strftime... yes | |
353 | checking for strnlen... yes | |
354 | checking for strptime... yes | |
355 | checking for strstr... yes | |
356 | checking for strtok_r... yes | |
357 | checking for symlink... yes | |
358 | checking for tempnam... yes | |
359 | checking for tzset... yes | |
360 | checking for unlockpt... yes | |
361 | checking for unsetenv... yes | |
362 | checking for usleep... yes | |
363 | checking for utime... yes | |
364 | checking for vsnprintf... yes | |
365 | checking for vasprintf... yes | |
366 | checking for asprintf... yes | |
367 | checking for nanosleep... yes | |
368 | checking for nanosleep in -lrt... yes | |
369 | checking for getaddrinfo... yes | |
370 | checking for __sync_fetch_and_add... yes | |
371 | checking for strlcat... no | |
372 | checking for strlcpy... no | |
373 | checking for explicit_bzero... yes | |
374 | checking for getopt... yes | |
375 | checking for utime.h... (cached) yes | |
376 | checking whether utime accepts a null argument... yes | |
377 | checking for working alloca.h... yes | |
378 | checking for alloca... yes | |
379 | checking for declared timezone... yes | |
380 | checking for type of reentrant time-related functions... POSIX | |
381 | checking for readdir_r... yes | |
382 | checking for type of readdir_r... POSIX | |
383 | checking for in_addr_t... yes | |
384 | checking for crypt_r... no | |
385 | checking for asm goto... yes | |
386 | checking whether compiler supports VLA... yes | |
387 | checking whether to enable valgrind support... yes | |
388 | checking for valgrind header... not found | |
389 | ||
390 | [1mGeneral settings[m | |
391 | checking whether to include gcov symbols... no | |
392 | checking whether to include debugging symbols... no | |
393 | checking layout of installed files... PHP | |
394 | checking path to configuration file... /etc/php/cli-php7.3 | |
395 | checking where to scan for configuration files... /etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active | |
396 | checking whether to enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler... no | |
397 | checking whether to explicitly link against libgcc... no | |
398 | checking whether to enable short tags by default... yes | |
399 | checking whether to enable dmalloc... no | |
400 | checking whether to enable IPv6 support... yes | |
401 | checking whether to enable DTrace support... no | |
402 | checking how big to make fd sets... using system default | |
403 | ||
404 | [1mConfiguring extensions[m | |
405 | checking for strings.h... (cached) yes | |
406 | checking io.h usability... no | |
407 | checking io.h presence... no | |
408 | checking for io.h... no | |
409 | checking for strtoll... yes | |
410 | checking for atoll... yes | |
411 | checking whether to enable LIBXML support... yes | |
412 | checking libxml2 install dir... /usr | |
413 | checking for xml2-config path... /usr/bin/xml2-config | |
414 | checking whether libxml build works... yes | |
415 | checking for OpenSSL support... yes | |
416 | checking for Kerberos support... no | |
417 | checking whether to use system default cipher list instead of hardcoded value... no | |
418 | checking for RAND_egd... no | |
419 | checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config | |
420 | checking for OpenSSL version... >= 1.0.1 | |
421 | checking for CRYPTO_free in -lcrypto... no | |
422 | configure: error: libcrypto not found! | |
423 | ||
424 | !!! Please attach the following file when seeking support: | |
425 | !!! /var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/sapis-build/cli/config.log | |
426 | * ERROR: dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo failed (configure phase): | |
427 | * econf failed | |
428 | * | |
429 | * Call stack: | |
430 | * ebuild.sh, line 125: Called src_configure | |
431 | * environment, line 2462: Called econf '--prefix=/usr/lib64/php7.3' '--mandir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/man' '--infodir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/info' '--libdir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/lib' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--localstatedir=/var' '--without-pear' '--enable-maintainer-zts' '--without-password-argon2' '--disable-bcmath' '--with-bz2=/usr' '--disable-calendar' '--disable-gcov' '--enable-ctype' '--with-curl=/usr' '--enable-dom' '--without-enchant' '--enable-exif' '--enable-fileinfo' '--enable-filter' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gettext=/usr' '--without-gmp' '--enable-hash' '--without-mhash' '--with-iconv' '--enable-intl' '--enable-ipv6' '--enable-json' '--without-kerberos' '--enable-libxml' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-onig=/usr' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' '--enable-pcntl' '--enable-phar' '--enable-pdo' '--enable-opcache' '--with-pgsql=/usr' '--enable-posix' '--without-pspell' '--without-recode' '--enable-simplexml' '--disable-shmop' '--without-snmp' '--disable-soap' '--enable-sockets' '--without-sodium' '--with-sqlite3=/usr' '--disable-sysvmsg' '--disable-sysvsem' '--disable-sysvshm' '--without-tidy' '--enable-tokenizer' '--disable-wddx' '--enable-xml' '--enable-xmlreader' '--enable-xmlwriter' '--without-xmlrpc' '--without-xsl' '--enable-zip' '--without-libzip' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--disable-debug' '--enable-dba' '--without-cdb' '--with-db4=/usr' '--enable-flatfile' '--with-gdbm=/usr' '--disable-inifile' '--without-qdbm' '--without-lmdb' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--disable-gd-jis-conv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--without-xpm-dir' '--with-webp-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' '--without-interbase' '--with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' '--without-unixODBC' '--without-iodbc' '--without-oci8' '--without-pdo-dblib' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-pgsql' '--with-pdo-sqlite=/usr' '--without-pdo-firebird' '--without-pdo-odbc' '--without-pdo-oci' '--with-readline=/usr' '--without-libedit' '--without-mm' '--with-pic' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr' '--with-pcre-dir=/usr' '--without-pcre-valgrind' '--without-pcre-jit' '--cache-file=/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/config.cache' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/php/cli-php7.3' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active' '--disable-embed' '--enable-cli' '--disable-cgi' '--disable-fpm' '--without-apxs2' '--disable-phpdbg' | |
432 | * phase-helpers.sh, line 681: Called __helpers_die 'econf failed' | |
433 | * isolated-functions.sh, line 112: Called die | |
434 | * The specific snippet of code: | |
435 | * die "$@" | |
436 | * | |
437 | * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo'`, | |
438 | * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo'`. | |
439 | * The complete build log is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/build.log'. | |
440 | * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/environment'. | |
441 | * Working directory: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/sapis-build/cli' | |
442 | * S: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/php-7.3.13' | |
443 | [32;01m * [39;49;00mMessages for package [32mdev-lang/php-7.3.13[39;49;00m: | |
444 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mERROR: dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo failed (configure phase): | |
445 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m econf failed | |
446 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m | |
447 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mCall stack: | |
448 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m ebuild.sh, line 125: Called src_configure | |
449 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m environment, line 2462: Called econf '--prefix=/usr/lib64/php7.3' '--mandir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/man' '--infodir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/info' '--libdir=/usr/lib64/php7.3/lib' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--localstatedir=/var' '--without-pear' '--enable-maintainer-zts' '--without-password-argon2' '--disable-bcmath' '--with-bz2=/usr' '--disable-calendar' '--disable-gcov' '--enable-ctype' '--with-curl=/usr' '--enable-dom' '--without-enchant' '--enable-exif' '--enable-fileinfo' '--enable-filter' '--enable-ftp' '--with-gettext=/usr' '--without-gmp' '--enable-hash' '--without-mhash' '--with-iconv' '--enable-intl' '--enable-ipv6' '--enable-json' '--without-kerberos' '--enable-libxml' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-onig=/usr' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' '--enable-pcntl' '--enable-phar' '--enable-pdo' '--enable-opcache' '--with-pgsql=/usr' '--enable-posix' '--without-pspell' '--without-recode' '--enable-simplexml' '--disable-shmop' '--without-snmp' '--disable-soap' '--enable-sockets' '--without-sodium' '--with-sqlite3=/usr' '--disable-sysvmsg' '--disable-sysvsem' '--disable-sysvshm' '--without-tidy' '--enable-tokenizer' '--disable-wddx' '--enable-xml' '--enable-xmlreader' '--enable-xmlwriter' '--without-xmlrpc' '--without-xsl' '--enable-zip' '--without-libzip' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--disable-debug' '--enable-dba' '--without-cdb' '--with-db4=/usr' '--enable-flatfile' '--with-gdbm=/usr' '--disable-inifile' '--without-qdbm' '--without-lmdb' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--disable-gd-jis-conv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--without-xpm-dir' '--with-webp-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' '--without-interbase' '--with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' '--without-unixODBC' '--without-iodbc' '--without-oci8' '--without-pdo-dblib' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-pgsql' '--with-pdo-sqlite=/usr' '--without-pdo-firebird' '--without-pdo-odbc' '--without-pdo-oci' '--with-readline=/usr' '--without-libedit' '--without-mm' '--with-pic' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr' '--with-pcre-dir=/usr' '--without-pcre-valgrind' '--without-pcre-jit' '--cache-file=/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/config.cache' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/php/cli-php7.3' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active' '--disable-embed' '--enable-cli' '--disable-cgi' '--disable-fpm' '--without-apxs2' '--disable-phpdbg' | |
450 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m phase-helpers.sh, line 681: Called __helpers_die 'econf failed' | |
451 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m isolated-functions.sh, line 112: Called die | |
452 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mThe specific snippet of code: | |
453 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m die "$@" | |
454 | [31;01m * [39;49;00m | |
455 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mIf you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo'`, | |
456 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mthe complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-lang/php-7.3.13::gentoo'`. | |
457 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mThe complete build log is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/build.log'. | |
458 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mThe ebuild environment file is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/temp/environment'. | |
459 | [31;01m * [39;49;00mWorking directory: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/dev-lang/php-7.3.13/work/sapis-build/cli' |