./rcracki_mt -h 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 -t 2 md5 Using 2 threads for pre-calculation and false alarm checking... Found 84 rainbowtable files... md5_loweralpha-space#1-9_0_10000x26570447_distrrtgen[p][i]_20.rti2 Chain Position is now 26570447 159422682 bytes read, disk access time: 2.70s searching for 1 hash... cryptanalysis time: 19.70 s md5_loweralpha-space#1-9_0_10000x67108864_distrrtgen[p][i]_00.rti2 Chain Position is now 67108864 402653184 bytes read, disk access time: 8.21s searching for 1 hash... cryptanalysis time: 0.47 s md5_loweralpha-space#1-9_0_10000x67108864_distrrtgen[p][i]_01.rti2 Chain Position is now 67108864 402653184 bytes read, disk access time: 5.62s searching for 1 hash... cryptanalysis time: 0.46 s md5_loweralpha-space#1-9_0_10000x67108864_distrrtgen[p][i]_02.rti2 Chain Position is now 67108864 402653184 bytes read, disk access time: 5.64s searching for 1 hash... plaintext of 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 is hello cryptanalysis time: 0.43 s statistics ------------------------------------------------------- plaintext found: 1 of 1(100.00%) total disk access time: 22.17s total cryptanalysis time: 1.53s total pre-calculation time: 19.53s total chain walk step: 49985001 total false alarm: 913 total chain walk step due to false alarm: 3466483 result ------------------------------------------------------- 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 hello hex:68656c6c6f