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#262130 (13.05.2022 19:01)
#275121 (02.06.2024 07:54).
1 | 1652294517: Started emerge on: мая 12, 2022 01:41:56 | |
2 | 1652294517: *** emerge --newuse --nospinner --update --ask --autounmask --binpkg-changed-deps=n --color=y --deep --jobs=4 --with-bdeps-auto=y --binpkg-respect-use=y --quiet-build=n --regex-search-auto=y --verbose --getbinpkg --usepkg @world | |
3 | 1652294839: >>> emerge (1 of 28) x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1 to / | |
4 | 1652294839: >>> emerge (2 of 28) dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1 to / | |
5 | 1652294839: >>> emerge (3 of 28) x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5 to / | |
6 | 1652294839: >>> emerge (4 of 28) x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1 to / | |
7 | 1652294840: === (2 of 28) Merging Binary (dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1.tbz2) | |
8 | 1652294840: === (1 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1.tbz2) | |
9 | 1652294840: === (3 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5.tbz2) | |
10 | 1652294841: === (4 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1.tbz2) | |
11 | 1652294844: >>> emerge (5 of 28) x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110 to / | |
12 | 1652294844: === (5 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110.tbz2) | |
13 | 1652294876: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-misc/xkeyboard-config:0 | |
14 | 1652294876: === Unmerging... (x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.34) | |
15 | 1652294881: >>> unmerge success: x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.34 | |
16 | 1652294898: === (4 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1.tbz2) | |
1 | 25 марта 2024пм-2/ | |
2 | ||
3 | 26 марта 2024видео/ | |
4 | ||
5 | Журнал №11 от 26 | |
6 | 03 | |
7 | 2007, струс-5т/ | |
8 | 65 | |
9 | ||
10 | © Sputnik / Denis Aslanovстанки-для-резки-логов/ | |
11 | ||
12 | Оптовая ценааос/ | |
13 | ||
14 | Руководство задумалось о расширении производства, но средств на это не хватало | |
15 |автоматические-линии/ | |
16 | ||
17 | 1652294898: ::: completed emerge (4 of 28) x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.35.1 to / | |
18 | 1652294902: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-base/xorg-proto:0 | |
19 | 1652294902: === Unmerging... (x11-base/xorg-proto-2021.5) | |
20 | 1652294907: >>> unmerge success: x11-base/xorg-proto-2021.5 | |
21 | 1652294914: === (1 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1.tbz2) | |
22 | 1652294914: ::: completed emerge (1 of 28) x11-base/xorg-proto-2022.1 to / | |
23 | 1652294921: >>> AUTOCLEAN: dev-libs/libevdev:0 | |
24 | 1652294921: === Unmerging... (dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.0) | |
25 | 1652294924: >>> unmerge success: dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.0 | |
26 | 1652294932: === (2 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1.tbz2) | |
27 | 1652294932: ::: completed emerge (2 of 28) dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1 to / | |
28 | 1652294937: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-misc/compose-tables:0 | |
29 | 1652294937: === Unmerging... (x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.3) | |
30 | 1652294941: >>> unmerge success: x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.3 | |
31 | 1652294952: === (3 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5.tbz2) | |
32 | 1652294952: ::: completed emerge (3 of 28) x11-misc/compose-tables-1.7.5 to / | |
33 | 1652294958: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libdrm:0 | |
34 | 1652294958: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.109) | |
35 | 1652294961: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.109 | |
36 | 1652294968: === (5 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110.tbz2) | |
37 | 1652294968: ::: completed emerge (5 of 28) x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.110 to / | |
38 | 1652294968: >>> emerge (6 of 28) x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9 to / | |
39 | 1652294968: >>> emerge (7 of 28) x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5 to / | |
40 | 1652294969: === (6 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9.tbz2) | |
41 | 1652294969: === (7 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5.tbz2) | |
42 | 1652294984: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/iceauth:0 | |
43 | 1652294984: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.8-r1) | |
44 | 1652294989: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.8-r1 | |
45 | 1652294995: === (6 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9.tbz2) | |
46 | 1652294995: ::: completed emerge (6 of 28) x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.9 to / | |
47 | 1652295000: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libX11:0 | |
48 | 1652295000: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libX11-1.7.3) | |
49 | 1652295004: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libX11-1.7.3 | |
50 | 1652295016: === (7 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5.tbz2) | |
51 | 1652295016: ::: completed emerge (7 of 28) x11-libs/libX11-1.7.5 to / | |
52 | 1652295016: >>> emerge (8 of 28) x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1 to / | |
53 | 1652295016: >>> emerge (9 of 28) x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13 to / | |
54 | 1652295016: >>> emerge (10 of 28) x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3 to / | |
55 | 1652295016: >>> emerge (11 of 28) x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3 to / | |
56 | 1652295017: === (8 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1.tbz2) | |
57 | 1652295017: === (10 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3.tbz2) | |
58 | 1652295018: === (11 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3.tbz2) | |
59 | 1652295018: === (9 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13.tbz2) | |
60 | 1652295035: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/setxkbmap:0 | |
61 | 1652295035: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.2) | |
62 | 1652295047: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/xdpyinfo:0 | |
63 | 1652295047: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.2-r1) | |
64 | 1652295048: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.2 | |
65 | 1652295056: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.2-r1 | |
66 | 1652295062: === (10 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3.tbz2) | |
67 | 1652295062: ::: completed emerge (10 of 28) x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.3.3 to / | |
68 | 1652295062: === (11 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3.tbz2) | |
69 | 1652295062: ::: completed emerge (11 of 28) x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3 to / | |
70 | 1652295067: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libXcursor:0 | |
71 | 1652295067: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.0) | |
72 | 1652295071: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.0 | |
73 | 1652295077: === (8 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1.tbz2) | |
74 | 1652295077: ::: completed emerge (8 of 28) x11-libs/libXcursor-1.2.1 to / | |
75 | 1652295083: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libXvMC:0 | |
76 | 1652295083: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.12-r1) | |
77 | 1652295086: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.12-r1 | |
78 | 1652295093: === (9 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13.tbz2) | |
79 | 1652295093: ::: completed emerge (9 of 28) x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.13 to / | |
80 | 1652295093: >>> emerge (12 of 28) media-libs/mesa-22.0.3 to / | |
81 | 1652295094: === (12 of 28) Merging Binary (media-libs/mesa-22.0.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/mesa-22.0.3.tbz2) | |
82 | 1652295123: >>> AUTOCLEAN: media-libs/mesa:0 | |
83 | 1652295123: === Unmerging... (media-libs/mesa-21.3.8) | |
84 | 1652295126: >>> unmerge success: media-libs/mesa-21.3.8 | |
85 | 1652295134: === (12 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (media-libs/mesa-22.0.3::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/mesa-22.0.3.tbz2) | |
86 | 1652295134: ::: completed emerge (12 of 28) media-libs/mesa-22.0.3 to / | |
87 | 1652295134: >>> emerge (13 of 28) x11-libs/libva-2.14.0 to / | |
88 | 1652295134: === (13 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libva-2.14.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libva-2.14.0.tbz2) | |
89 | 1652295142: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libva:0 | |
90 | 1652295142: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libva-2.13.0-r2) | |
91 | 1652295147: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libva-2.13.0-r2 | |
92 | 1652295156: === (13 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libva-2.14.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libva-2.14.0.tbz2) | |
93 | 1652295156: ::: completed emerge (13 of 28) x11-libs/libva-2.14.0 to / | |
94 | 1652295156: >>> emerge (14 of 28) media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2 to / | |
95 | 1652295156: === (14 of 28) Merging Binary (media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2.tbz2) | |
96 | 1652295163: >>> AUTOCLEAN: media-libs/freeglut:0 | |
97 | 1652295163: === Unmerging... (media-libs/freeglut-3.2.1-r2) | |
98 | 1652295167: >>> unmerge success: media-libs/freeglut-3.2.1-r2 | |
99 | 1652295174: === (14 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2.tbz2) | |
100 | 1652295174: ::: completed emerge (14 of 28) media-libs/freeglut-3.2.2 to / | |
101 | 1652295174: >>> emerge (15 of 28) x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0 to / | |
102 | 1652295175: === (15 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0.tbz2) | |
103 | 1652295181: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-libs/libxkbcommon:0 | |
104 | 1652295181: === Unmerging... (x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.1) | |
105 | 1652295185: >>> unmerge success: x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.1 | |
106 | 1652295192: === (15 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0.tbz2) | |
107 | 1652295192: ::: completed emerge (15 of 28) x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.4.0 to / | |
108 | 1652295192: >>> emerge (16 of 28) media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10 to / | |
109 | 1652295192: === (16 of 28) Merging Binary (media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10.tbz2) | |
110 | 1652295200: >>> AUTOCLEAN: media-libs/libepoxy:0 | |
111 | 1652295200: === Unmerging... (media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.9-r1) | |
112 | 1652295203: >>> unmerge success: media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.9-r1 | |
113 | 1652295211: === (16 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10.tbz2) | |
114 | 1652295211: ::: completed emerge (16 of 28) media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10 to / | |
115 | 1652295211: >>> emerge (17 of 28) x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2 to / | |
116 | 1652295211: >>> emerge (18 of 28) x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1 to / | |
117 | 1652295211: >>> emerge (19 of 28) net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1 to / | |
118 | 1652295211: >>> emerge (20 of 28) x11-apps/appres-1.0.6 to / | |
119 | 1652295212: === (18 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1.tbz2) | |
120 | 1652295212: === (17 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2.tbz2) | |
121 | 1652295212: === (19 of 28) Merging Binary (net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1.tbz2) | |
122 | 1652295213: === (20 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/appres-1.0.6::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/appres-1.0.6.tbz2) | |
123 | 1652295214: >>> emerge (21 of 28) x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2 to / | |
124 | 1652295214: === (21 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2.tbz2) | |
125 | 1652295229: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/mkfontscale:0 | |
126 | 1652295229: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.1) | |
127 | 1652295233: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-base/xwayland:0 | |
128 | 1652295233: === Unmerging... (x11-base/xwayland-21.1.4) | |
129 | 1652295235: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.1 | |
130 | 1652295237: >>> unmerge success: x11-base/xwayland-21.1.4 | |
131 | 1652295246: === (17 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2.tbz2) | |
132 | 1652295246: ::: completed emerge (17 of 28) x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.2.2 to / | |
133 | 1652295246: === (18 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1.tbz2) | |
134 | 1652295246: ::: completed emerge (18 of 28) x11-base/xwayland-22.1.1 to / | |
135 | 1652295262: >>> AUTOCLEAN: net-fs/nfs-utils:0 | |
136 | 1652295262: === Unmerging... (net-fs/nfs-utils-2.5.4-r4) | |
137 | 1652295266: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/appres:0 | |
138 | 1652295266: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/appres-1.0.5-r1) | |
139 | 1652295268: >>> unmerge success: net-fs/nfs-utils-2.5.4-r4 | |
140 | 1652295270: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/appres-1.0.5-r1 | |
141 | 1652295284: === (19 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1.tbz2) | |
142 | 1652295284: ::: completed emerge (19 of 28) net-fs/nfs-utils-2.6.1 to / | |
143 | 1652295284: === (20 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/appres-1.0.6::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/appres-1.0.6.tbz2) | |
144 | 1652295284: ::: completed emerge (20 of 28) x11-apps/appres-1.0.6 to / | |
145 | 1652295289: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/xauth:0 | |
146 | 1652295289: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/xauth-1.1.1) | |
147 | 1652295293: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/xauth-1.1.1 | |
148 | 1652295300: === (21 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2.tbz2) | |
149 | 1652295300: ::: completed emerge (21 of 28) x11-apps/xauth-1.1.2 to / | |
150 | 1652295300: >>> emerge (22 of 28) x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0 to / | |
151 | 1652295300: >>> emerge (23 of 28) x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2 to / | |
152 | 1652295300: >>> emerge (24 of 28) net-libs/signond-8.61 to / | |
153 | 1652295300: >>> emerge (25 of 28) net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1 to / | |
154 | 1652295301: === (23 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2.tbz2) | |
155 | 1652295301: === (22 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0.tbz2) | |
156 | 1652295301: === (24 of 28) Merging Binary (net-libs/signond-8.61::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-libs/signond-8.61.tbz2) | |
157 | 1652295301: === (25 of 28) Merging Binary (net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1.tbz2) | |
158 | 1652295303: >>> emerge (26 of 28) www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54 to / | |
159 | 1652295304: === (26 of 28) Merging Binary (www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54.tbz2) | |
160 | 1652295314: >>> emerge (27 of 28) app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8 to / | |
161 | 1652295315: === (27 of 28) Merging Binary (app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8.tbz2) | |
162 | 1652295318: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-apps/bitmap:0 | |
163 | 1652295318: === Unmerging... (x11-apps/bitmap-1.0.9-r1) | |
164 | 1652295322: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-base/xorg-server:0 | |
165 | 1652295322: === Unmerging... (x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r1) | |
166 | 1652295325: >>> unmerge success: x11-apps/bitmap-1.0.9-r1 | |
167 | 1652295330: >>> unmerge success: x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r1 | |
168 | 1652295361: === (22 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0.tbz2) | |
169 | 1652295361: ::: completed emerge (22 of 28) x11-apps/bitmap-1.1.0 to / | |
170 | 1652295361: === (23 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2.tbz2) | |
171 | 1652295361: ::: completed emerge (23 of 28) x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.3-r2 to / | |
172 | 1652295363: >>> emerge (28 of 28) x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0 to / | |
173 | 1652295363: === (28 of 28) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0.tbz2) | |
174 | 1652295384: >>> AUTOCLEAN: net-libs/signond:0 | |
175 | 1652295384: === Unmerging... (net-libs/signond-8.60-r2) | |
176 | 1652295389: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu:0 | |
177 | 1652295389: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-21.0.0) | |
178 | 1652295393: >>> unmerge success: net-libs/signond-8.60-r2 | |
179 | 1652295397: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-21.0.0 | |
180 | 1652295412: === (24 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (net-libs/signond-8.61::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-libs/signond-8.61.tbz2) | |
181 | 1652295412: ::: completed emerge (24 of 28) net-libs/signond-8.61 to / | |
182 | 1652295412: === (28 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0.tbz2) | |
183 | 1652295412: ::: completed emerge (28 of 28) x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0 to / | |
184 | 1652295449: >>> AUTOCLEAN: net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 | |
185 | 1652295449: === Unmerging... (net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.34.6) | |
186 | 1652295453: >>> unmerge success: net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.34.6 | |
187 | 1652295460: === (25 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1.tbz2) | |
188 | 1652295460: ::: completed emerge (25 of 28) net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.36.1 to / | |
189 | 1652295524: >>> AUTOCLEAN: www-client/chromium:0 | |
190 | 1652295524: === Unmerging... (www-client/chromium-100.0.4896.127) | |
191 | 1652295534: >>> unmerge success: www-client/chromium-100.0.4896.127 | |
192 | 1652295560: === (26 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54.tbz2) | |
193 | 1652295560: ::: completed emerge (26 of 28) www-client/chromium-101.0.4951.54 to / | |
194 | 1652295594: >>> AUTOCLEAN: app-emulation/wine-staging:7.8 | |
195 | 1652295604: === (27 of 28) Post-Build Cleaning (app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8.tbz2) | |
196 | 1652295604: ::: completed emerge (27 of 28) app-emulation/wine-staging-7.8 to / | |
197 | 1652295604: *** Finished. Cleaning up... | |
198 | 1652295607: *** exiting successfully. | |
199 | 1652295607: *** terminating. | |
200 | 1652295610: Calculate: Started depclean on: May 12, 2022 02:00:09 | |
201 | 1652295613: Started emerge on: мая 12, 2022 02:00:13 | |
202 | 1652295613: *** emerge --nospinner --ask --autounmask --binpkg-changed-deps=n --color=y --dynamic-deps=n --jobs=4 --with-bdeps-auto=y --binpkg-respect-use=y --quiet-build=n --regex-search-auto=y --verbose --getbinpkg --usepkg --depclean | |
203 | 1652295614: >>> depclean | |
204 | 1652295638: === Unmerging... (app-emulation/wine-staging-7.7) | |
205 | 1652295656: >>> unmerge success: app-emulation/wine-staging-7.7 | |
206 | 1652295656: *** exiting successfully. | |
207 | 1652295656: *** terminating. | |
208 | 1652295657: *** Calculate: Finished depclean | |
209 | 1652295657: Calculate: Started update xorg modules on: May 12, 2022 02:00:57 | |
210 | 1652295666: Started emerge on: мая 12, 2022 02:01:06 | |
211 | 1652295666: *** emerge --nospinner --ask --autounmask --binpkg-changed-deps=n --color=y --jobs=4 --with-bdeps-auto=y --binpkg-respect-use=y --quiet-build=n --regex-search-auto=y --verbose --getbinpkg --usepkg @x11-module-rebuild | |
212 | 1652295765: >>> emerge (1 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6 to / | |
213 | 1652295765: === (1 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6.tbz2) | |
214 | 1652295774: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev:0 | |
215 | 1652295774: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6) | |
216 | 1652295778: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6 | |
217 | 1652295783: === (1 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6.tbz2) | |
218 | 1652295783: ::: completed emerge (1 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6 to / | |
219 | 1652295783: >>> emerge (2 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0 to / | |
220 | 1652295784: === (2 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0.tbz2) | |
221 | 1652295790: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput:0 | |
222 | 1652295790: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0) | |
223 | 1652295793: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0 | |
224 | 1652295799: === (2 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0.tbz2) | |
225 | 1652295799: ::: completed emerge (2 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-1.2.0 to / | |
226 | 1652295799: >>> emerge (3 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1 to / | |
227 | 1652295800: === (3 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1.tbz2) | |
228 | 1652295806: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics:0 | |
229 | 1652295806: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1) | |
230 | 1652295809: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1 | |
231 | 1652295820: === (3 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1.tbz2) | |
232 | 1652295820: ::: completed emerge (3 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.9.1 to / | |
233 | 1652295820: >>> emerge (4 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0 to / | |
234 | 1652295821: === (4 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0.tbz2) | |
235 | 1652295827: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu:0 | |
236 | 1652295827: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0) | |
237 | 1652295830: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0 | |
238 | 1652295836: === (4 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0.tbz2) | |
239 | 1652295836: ::: completed emerge (4 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu-22.0.0 to / | |
240 | 1652295836: >>> emerge (5 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1 to / | |
241 | 1652295836: === (5 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1.tbz2) | |
242 | 1652295842: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati:0 | |
243 | 1652295842: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1) | |
244 | 1652295846: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1 | |
245 | 1652295852: === (5 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1.tbz2) | |
246 | 1652295852: ::: completed emerge (5 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-19.1.0-r1 to / | |
247 | 1652295852: >>> emerge (6 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1 to / | |
248 | 1652295852: === (6 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1.tbz2) | |
249 | 1652295859: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev:0 | |
250 | 1652295859: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1) | |
251 | 1652295863: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1 | |
252 | 1652295869: === (6 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1.tbz2) | |
253 | 1652295869: ::: completed emerge (6 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0-r1 to / | |
254 | 1652295869: >>> emerge (7 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215 to / | |
255 | 1652295869: === (7 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215.tbz2) | |
256 | 1652295875: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel:0 | |
257 | 1652295875: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215) | |
258 | 1652295879: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215 | |
259 | 1652295886: === (7 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215.tbz2) | |
260 | 1652295886: ::: completed emerge (7 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20201215 to / | |
261 | 1652295886: >>> emerge (8 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17 to / | |
262 | 1652295886: === (8 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17.tbz2) | |
263 | 1652295892: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau:0 | |
264 | 1652295892: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17) | |
265 | 1652295896: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17 | |
266 | 1652295902: === (8 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17.tbz2) | |
267 | 1652295902: ::: completed emerge (8 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.17 to / | |
268 | 1652295902: >>> emerge (9 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21 to / | |
269 | 1652295903: === (9 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21.tbz2) | |
270 | 1652295909: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv:0 | |
271 | 1652295909: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21) | |
272 | 1652295912: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21 | |
273 | 1652295918: === (9 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21.tbz2) | |
274 | 1652295918: ::: completed emerge (9 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.21 to / | |
275 | 1652295918: >>> emerge (10 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0 to / | |
276 | 1652295919: === (10 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0.tbz2) | |
277 | 1652295924: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome:0 | |
278 | 1652295924: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0) | |
279 | 1652295928: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0 | |
280 | 1652295934: === (10 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0.tbz2) | |
281 | 1652295934: ::: completed emerge (10 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0 to / | |
282 | 1652295935: >>> emerge (11 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0 to / | |
283 | 1652295935: === (11 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0.tbz2) | |
284 | 1652295941: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo:0 | |
285 | 1652295941: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0) | |
286 | 1652295945: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0 | |
287 | 1652295952: === (11 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0.tbz2) | |
288 | 1652295952: ::: completed emerge (11 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.0 to / | |
289 | 1652295952: >>> emerge (12 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0 to / | |
290 | 1652295952: === (12 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0.tbz2) | |
291 | 1652295957: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa:0 | |
292 | 1652295957: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0) | |
293 | 1652295962: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0 | |
294 | 1652295967: === (12 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0.tbz2) | |
295 | 1652295967: ::: completed emerge (12 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0 to / | |
296 | 1652295967: >>> emerge (13 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1 to / | |
297 | 1652295968: === (13 of 13) Merging Binary (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1.tbz2) | |
298 | 1652295973: >>> AUTOCLEAN: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware:0 | |
299 | 1652295973: === Unmerging... (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1) | |
300 | 1652295977: >>> unmerge success: x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1 | |
301 | 1652295983: === (13 of 13) Post-Build Cleaning (x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1::/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1.tbz2) | |
302 | 1652295983: ::: completed emerge (13 of 13) x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1 to / | |
303 | 1652295983: *** Finished. Cleaning up... | |
304 | 1652295985: *** exiting successfully. | |
305 | 1652295985: *** terminating. | |
306 | 1652295987: *** Calculate: Finished update xorg modules |