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#261859 (22.04.2022 10:50)
#261860 (22.04.2022 11:24).
1 | 1 | Обновление пакетов |
2 | 2 | * Вычисление зависимостей ... [ ok ] |
3 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r2::gentoo [66-r1::gentoo] USE="-test" 40 KiB | |
3 | [binary N ] dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r2::gentoo USE="-test" 40 KiB | |
4 | 4 | [binary U ] sys-apps/edid-decode-0_pre20220319::gentoo [0_pre20211012::gentoo] USE="-examples" 148 KiB |
5 | 5 | [binary U ] dev-libs/libuv-1.44.1:0/1::gentoo [1.43.0:0/1::gentoo] ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 169 KiB |
6 | 6 | [binary U ] sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220411::gentoo [20220310::gentoo] USE="redistributable -initramfs -savedconfig (-unknown-license)" 225148 KiB |
7 | 7 | [binary R ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.9.4-r1:0/20::gentoo USE="asm static-libs -doc -verify-sig (-o-flag-munging%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx avx2 padlock sha sse4_1" 1324 KiB |
8 | 8 | [binary R ] dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1n:0/1.1::gentoo USE="asm -rfc3779 -sctp -sslv3 -static-libs -test -tls-compression -tls-heartbeat -vanilla -verify-sig -weak-ssl-ciphers%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="(sse2)" 5615 KiB |
9 | 9 | [binary U ] dev-db/sqlite-3.38.1:3::gentoo [3.38.0:3::gentoo] USE="readline secure-delete -debug -doc -icu -static-libs -tcl -test -tools" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1942 KiB |
10 | 10 | [binary R ] sys-apps/gawk-5.1.1-r2::gentoo USE="nls readline -mpfr -verify-sig%" 1087 KiB |
11 | 11 | [binary U ] app-office/libreoffice-l10n- [] USE="-offlinehelp" L10N="be bg bs cs da de el en es et fi fr hr hu it kk lt lv nl pl pt pt-BR ro ru sk sl sq sr sv uk -af -am -ar -as -ast -bn -bn-IN -bo -br -brx -ca -ca-valencia -ckb -cy -dgo -dsb -dz -en-GB -en-ZA -eo -eu -fa -fur -fy -ga -gd -gl -gu -gug -he -hi -hsb -id -is -ja -ka -kab -km -kmr-Latn -kn -ko -kok -ks -lb -lo -mai -mk -ml -mn -mni -mr -my -nb -ne -nn -nr -nso -oc -om -or -pa -rw -sa -sat -sd -si -sid -sr-Latn -ss -st -sw-TZ -szl -ta -te -tg -th -tn -tr -ts -tt -ug -uz -ve -vec -vi -xh -zh-CN -zh-TW -zu" 12303 KiB |
12 | 12 | [binary U ] media-libs/harfbuzz-3.4.0-r1:0/3.0.0::gentoo [3.2.0:0/3.0.0::gentoo] USE="cairo glib graphite icu introspection truetype -debug -doc -experimental -test" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1565 KiB |
13 | 13 | [binary U ] dev-python/importlib_metadata-4.11.3::gentoo [4.11.2::gentoo] USE="-doc -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 62 KiB |
14 | 14 | [binary U ] dev-python/mako-1.2.0::gentoo [1.1.6::gentoo] USE="-doc -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 162 KiB |
15 | 15 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.3:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r14:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="icu -debug -old-kernel (-systemd) -test" 4772 KiB |
16 | 16 | [binary U ] x11-misc/shared-mime-info-2.2::gentoo [2.1::gentoo] USE="-test%" 637 KiB |
17 | [binary U ] media-libs/lcms-2.13.1:2::gentoo [2.12:2::gentoo] USE="jpeg threads tiff zlib -doc -static-libs -test" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 385 KiB | |
18 | [binary U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.46.5-r1::gentoo [1.46.5::gentoo] USE="nls (split-usr) threads tools -cron -fuse -lto -static-libs -test%" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1191 KiB | |
17 | [binary U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.46.5-r1::gentoo [1.46.5::gentoo] USE="nls (split-usr) threads tools -cron -fuse -lto -static-libs -test%" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1191 KiB | |
18 | [binary U ] media-libs/lcms-2.13.1:2::gentoo [2.12:2::gentoo] USE="jpeg threads tiff zlib -doc -static-libs -test" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 385 KiB | |
19 | 19 | [binary U ] dev-libs/newt-0.52.21_p20210816::gentoo [0.52.21-r1::gentoo] USE="gpm nls -tcl" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 149 KiB |
20 | 20 | [binary U ] dev-python/pycairo-1.21.0::gentoo [1.20.1::gentoo] USE="-doc -examples -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 136 KiB |
21 | 21 | [binary U ] sys-apps/portage-3.0.30-r3::gentoo [3.0.30-r1::gentoo] USE="(ipc) native-extensions xattr -apidoc -build -doc -gentoo-dev -rsync-verify (-selinux) -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 2076 KiB |
22 | 22 | [binary U ] dev-python/zope-interface-5.4.0-r1::gentoo [5.4.0::gentoo] USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 351 KiB |
23 | 23 | [binary U ] sys-apps/gptfdisk-1.0.8-r1::gentoo [1.0.7-r2::gentoo] USE="ncurses -static" 218 KiB |
24 | 24 | [binary U ] dev-python/pytz-2022.1::gentoo [2021.3::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 78 KiB |
25 | 25 | [binary R ] sys-apps/xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.3::gentoo USE="-test%" 32 KiB |
26 | 26 | [binary U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.101.0-r1::gentoo [2.101.0::gentoo] 11 KiB |
27 | 27 | [binary U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.101.0-r1::gentoo [2.101.0::gentoo] 11 KiB |
28 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtxml-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 133 KiB | |
29 | [binary U ] dev-libs/libinput-1.20.1:0/10::gentoo [1.19.3:0/10::gentoo] USE="-doc -test" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 298 KiB | |
30 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtsql-5.15.3:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="sqlite -debug -freetds -mysql -oci8 -odbc -postgres -test" 153 KiB | |
31 | [binary U ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.19.2-r4::gentoo [1.19.2-r3::gentoo] USE="keyutils nls pkinit threads -doc -lmdb -openldap (-selinux) -test -xinetd" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes" 1260 KiB | |
32 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtconcurrent-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 57 KiB | |
33 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qttest-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 205 KiB | |
28 | [binary U ] dev-libs/libinput-1.20.1:0/10::gentoo [1.19.3:0/10::gentoo] USE="-doc -test" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 298 KiB | |
29 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtxml-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 133 KiB | |
30 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qttest-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 205 KiB | |
31 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtsql-5.15.3:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="sqlite -debug -freetds -mysql -oci8 -odbc -postgres -test" 153 KiB | |
32 | [binary U ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.19.2-r4::gentoo [1.19.2-r3::gentoo] USE="keyutils nls pkinit threads -doc -lmdb -openldap (-selinux) -test -xinetd" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes" 1260 KiB | |
33 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtconcurrent-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 57 KiB | |
34 | 34 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtserialport-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 66 KiB |
35 | 35 | [binary U ] dev-python/urllib3-1.26.9::gentoo [1.26.8::gentoo] USE="-brotli -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 217 KiB |
36 | 36 | [binary U ] virtual/perl-IO-Compress-2.102.0-r1::gentoo [2.102.0::gentoo] 11 KiB |
37 | 37 | [binary N ] dev-python/nspektr-0.3.0::gentoo USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 38 KiB |
38 | 38 | [binary U ] dev-python/reportlab-3.6.9::gentoo [3.6.7::gentoo] USE="-doc" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 2348 KiB |
39 | 39 | [binary U ] dev-python/dnspython-2.2.1::gentoo [2.2.0::gentoo] USE="-examples -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 337 KiB |
40 | 40 | [binary U ] sys-boot/os-prober-1.79-r2::gentoo [1.79::calculate] 51 KiB |
41 | 41 | [binary U ] dev-python/numpy-1.22.3::gentoo [1.22.2::gentoo] USE="lapack -doc -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 5795 KiB |
42 | 42 | [binary U ] sys-apps/man-db-2.10.2-r1::gentoo [2.9.4-r1::gentoo] USE="manpager seccomp zlib -nls (-selinux) -static-libs (-berkdb%) (-gdbm%*)" 423 KiB |
43 | 43 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtdbus-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 361 KiB |
44 | 44 | [binary U ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.3.0-r1::gentoo [13.3.0::gentoo] 134 KiB |
45 | [binary U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.64:0/3::gentoo [5.62-r3:0/3::gentoo] USE="cups mesh obex readline udev -btpclient -debug -deprecated -doc -experimental -extra-tools -midi (-selinux) (-systemd) -test -test-programs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 1382 KiB | |
46 | [binary U ] sys-boot/plymouth-0.9.6_pre20211225-r1::gentoo [0.9.6_pre20211225::gentoo] USE="drm%* gtk pango (split-usr) udev -debug -static-libs (-libkms%*)" 966 KiB | |
47 | [binary U ] sys-boot/plymouth-calculate-plugin-0.9.6_pre20211225-r1::calculate [0.9.6_pre20211225::calculate] USE="drm%* gtk pango (split-usr) udev -debug -static-libs (-gdm%) (-libkms%*)" 87 KiB | |
48 | [binary U ] xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.16.4::gentoo [4.16.3::gentoo] USE="dbusmenu introspection -vala" 1033 KiB | |
49 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r14:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="networkmanager ssl -connman -debug -gssapi -libproxy -sctp -test" 733 KiB | |
50 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtbluetooth-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -qml -test" 422 KiB | |
51 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtgui-5.15.3:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r16:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="X accessibility dbus egl gif jpeg libinput png udev vulkan wayland -debug -eglfs -evdev -gles2-only -ibus -linuxfb -test -tslib -tuio -vnc" 3555 KiB | |
52 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r12:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="X dbus gtk png -debug -gles2-only -test" 2882 KiB | |
53 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.3-r1:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r15:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="jit vulkan widgets -debug -gles2-only -localstorage -test" 5153 KiB | |
54 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwayland-5.15.3-r1:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r17:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="X vulkan -debug -test" 1166 KiB | |
55 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtopengl-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -gles2-only -test" 174 KiB | |
56 | [binary U ] app-text/poppler-22.03.0:0/119::gentoo [22.01.0:0/117::gentoo] USE="cairo cxx introspection jpeg jpeg2k lcms nss png qt5 tiff utils -boost -cjk -curl -debug -doc" 1959 KiB | |
57 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtsvg-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r13:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 176 KiB | |
58 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtx11extras-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 38 KiB | |
59 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qthelp-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 232 KiB | |
60 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="cups -debug -gles2-only -test" 220 KiB | |
61 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwebchannel-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="qml -debug -test" 100 KiB | |
62 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwebsockets-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="qml ssl -debug -test" 110 KiB | |
63 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.3:5/5::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 96 KiB | |
64 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtcharts-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -qml -test" 525 KiB | |
65 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtscript-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="jit scripttools -debug -test" 984 KiB | |
66 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.15.3:5/5::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -mng -test" 67 KiB | |
67 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r13:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="widgets -debug -test" 1562 KiB | |
68 | [binary U ] dev-python/setuptools-60.10.0::gentoo [60.9.2::gentoo] USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 769 KiB | |
69 | [binary U ] dev-python/twisted-22.4.0::gentoo [22.1.0::gentoo] USE="crypt -conch -http2 -serial -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 4924 KiB | |
70 | [binary U ] net-fs/samba-4.15.4-r3::gentoo [4.15.4-r2::gentoo] USE="acl ads client cups ldap pam python regedit system-mitkrb5 winbind -addc -ceph -cluster -debug (-fam) -glusterfs -gpg -iprint -json -profiling-data -quota (-selinux) -snapper -spotlight -syslog (-system-heimdal) (-systemd) (-test) -zeroconf" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 12647 KiB | |
71 | [binary U ] app-office/libreoffice- [] USE="bluetooth cups dbus gstreamer gtk mariadb odk pdfimport vulkan -accessibility (-base) -branding -clang (-coinmp) -custom-cflags -debug -eds (-firebird) -googledrive -java -kde -ldap -postgres -test" LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="-nlpsolver -scripting-beanshell -scripting-javascript -wiki-publisher" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 151309 KiB | |
72 | [binary U ] media-video/pipewire-0.3.50-r1:0/0.4::gentoo [0.3.48-r1:0/0.4::gentoo] USE="X bluetooth echo-cancel extra gstreamer pipewire-alsa ssl v4l -doc -jack-client -jack-sdk -lv2 (-system-service) (-systemd) -test -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 3137 KiB | |
73 | [binary U ] media-libs/libcanberra-0.30-r6::gentoo [0.30-r5::gentoo] USE="alsa gstreamer gtk2%* gtk3 pulseaudio udev -gnome -oss -sound -tdb (-gtk%*)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 123 KiB | |
74 | [binary U ] media-video/wireplumber-0.4.9:0/0.4::gentoo [0.4.8-r3:0/0.4::gentoo] USE="elogind (-system-service) (-systemd) -test" LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="lua5-4 -lua5-3" 338 KiB | |
75 | [binary U ] mail-client/claws-mail-3.19.0-r1::gentoo [3.19.0::gentoo] USE="appindicator dbus gnutls imap ipv6 ldap libcanberra libnotify networkmanager nls notification pdf pgp rss sieve smime spell svg xface -archive -bogofilter -calendar -clamav -debug -dillo -doc -gdata -litehtml -nntp -perl -session -spam-report -spamassassin -startup-notification -valgrind" 3865 KiB | |
76 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r2:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="alsa gstreamer openal pulseaudio qml widgets -debug -gles2-only -test" 782 KiB | |
77 | [binary R ] dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7-r1:4.0::gentoo USE="webkit -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10%" 8815 KiB | |
78 | [ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-bin-99.0.1:rapid::gentoo [99.0:rapid::gentoo] USE="alsa ffmpeg gmp-autoupdate pulseaudio wayland (-selinux)" L10N="be bg bs cs da de el es-AR es-CL es-ES es-MX et fi fr hr hu it kk lt lv nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sl sq sr sv uk -ach -af -an -ar -ast -az -bn -br -ca -ca-valencia -cak -cy -dsb -en-CA -en-GB -eo -eu -fa -ff -fy -ga -gd -gl -gn -gu -he -hi -hsb -hy -ia -id -is -ja -ka -kab -km -kn -ko -lij -mk -mr -ms -my -nb -ne -nn -oc -pa -rm -sco -si -son -ta -te -th -tl -tr -trs -ur -uz -vi -xh -zh-CN -zh-TW" 92623 KiB | |
79 | [binary U ] net-misc/remmina-1.4.25::gentoo [1.4.23-r1::gentoo] USE="crypt cups nls rdp ssh vnc -appindicator* -examples -gnome-keyring -gvnc -kwallet -spice -telemetry -webkit* (-x2go) -zeroconf" 919 KiB | |
80 | [binary R ] sci-electronics/kicad-6.0.4::gentoo USE="ngspice nls occ openmp pcm -doc -examples" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10%" 47748 KiB | |
81 | [binary U ] media-sound/strawberry-1.0.4::gentoo [1.0.3::gentoo] USE="cdda gstreamer ipod pulseaudio udisks -debug -moodbar -mtp -vlc" 5716 KiB | |
82 | [binary NS ] dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.3:0::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 46 KiB | |
83 | [uninstall ] dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo USE="-debug -test" | |
84 | [blocks b ] dev-qt/qdbus:5 ("dev-qt/qdbus:5" is soft blocking dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.3) | |
85 | [binary U ] sys-apps/calculate-utils- [] USE="backup client console dbus desktop gpg install qt5 -minimal -pxe" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9" 3543 KiB | |
86 | [blocks B ] | |
87 | * 81 пакетов будет установлено, 632385 KiB будет загружено | |
88 | ||
89 | (app-text/poppler-22.01.0:0/117::gentoo, installed) USE="cairo cxx introspection jpeg jpeg2k lcms nss png qt5 tiff utils -boost -cjk -curl -debug -doc" ABI_X86="(64)" pulled in by | |
90 | >=app-text/poppler-0.57.0:0/117=[cairo] required by (media-gfx/inkscape-1.1.1:0/0::gentoo, installed) USE="cdr dbus exif imagemagick inkjar jpeg openmp postscript readline visio wpg -dia -graphicsmagick (-jemalloc) -spell -svg2" ABI_X86="(64)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_8" | |
91 | ^^^^^^^ | |
92 | (and 1 more with the same problem) | |
93 | ||
94 | NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above | |
95 | ||
96 | It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to | |
97 | prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also | |
98 | possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are | |
99 | impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in | |
100 | the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can | |
101 | not be installed simultaneously. You may want to try a larger value of | |
102 | the --backtrack option, such as --backtrack=30, in order to see if | |
103 | that will solve this conflict automatically. | |
104 | ||
105 | For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man | |
106 | page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook. | |
107 | ||
108 | * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be | |
109 | * installed at the same time on the same system. | |
110 | ||
111 | (dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r2:0/0::gentoo, binary scheduled for merge) pulled in by | |
112 | >=dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r1 required by (dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.2-r14:5/5.15.2::gentoo, installed) USE="icu -debug -old-kernel (-systemd) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" | |
113 | ||
114 | For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following | |
115 | section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant): | |
45 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtgui-5.15.3:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r16:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="X accessibility dbus egl gif jpeg libinput png udev vulkan wayland -debug -eglfs -evdev -gles2-only -ibus -linuxfb -test -tslib -tuio -vnc" 3555 KiB | |
46 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtx11extras-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 38 KiB | |
47 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtimageformats-5.15.3:5/5::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -mng -test" 67 KiB | |
48 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r12:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="X dbus gtk png -debug -gles2-only -test" 2882 KiB | |
49 | [binary U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.64:0/3::gentoo [5.62-r3:0/3::gentoo] USE="cups mesh obex readline udev -btpclient -debug -deprecated -doc -experimental -extra-tools -midi (-selinux) (-systemd) -test -test-programs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 1382 KiB | |
50 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtopengl-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -gles2-only -test" 174 KiB | |
51 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtsvg-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r13:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 176 KiB | |
52 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qthelp-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 232 KiB | |
53 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtprintsupport-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="cups -debug -gles2-only -test" 220 KiB | |
54 | [binary U ] sys-boot/plymouth-0.9.6_pre20211225-r1::gentoo [0.9.6_pre20211225::gentoo] USE="drm%* gtk pango (split-usr) udev -debug -static-libs (-libkms%*)" 966 KiB | |
55 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r14:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="networkmanager ssl -connman -debug -gssapi -libproxy -sctp -test" 733 KiB | |
56 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.3-r1:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r15:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="jit vulkan widgets -debug -gles2-only -localstorage -test" 5153 KiB | |
57 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwayland-5.15.3-r1:5/5.15.3::gentoo [5.15.2-r17:5/5.15.2::gentoo] USE="X vulkan -debug -test" 1166 KiB | |
58 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtbluetooth-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -qml -test" 422 KiB | |
59 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwebchannel-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="qml -debug -test" 100 KiB | |
60 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtwebsockets-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r11:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="qml ssl -debug -test" 110 KiB | |
61 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.3:5/5::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 96 KiB | |
62 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtcharts-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -qml -test" 525 KiB | |
63 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtscript-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r1:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="jit scripttools -debug -test" 984 KiB | |
64 | [binary U ] sys-boot/plymouth-calculate-plugin-0.9.6_pre20211225-r1::calculate [0.9.6_pre20211225::calculate] USE="drm%* gtk pango (split-usr) udev -debug -static-libs (-gdm%) (-libkms%*)" 87 KiB | |
65 | [binary U ] xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.16.4::gentoo [4.16.3::gentoo] USE="dbusmenu introspection -vala" 1033 KiB | |
66 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r13:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="widgets -debug -test" 1562 KiB | |
67 | [binary U ] dev-python/setuptools-60.10.0::gentoo [60.9.2::gentoo] USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 769 KiB | |
68 | [binary U ] dev-python/twisted-22.4.0::gentoo [22.1.0::gentoo] USE="crypt -conch -http2 -serial -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 (-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_10" 4924 KiB | |
69 | [binary U ] net-fs/samba-4.15.4-r3::gentoo [4.15.4-r2::gentoo] USE="acl ads client cups ldap pam python regedit system-mitkrb5 winbind -addc -ceph -cluster -debug (-fam) -glusterfs -gpg -iprint -json -profiling-data -quota (-selinux) -snapper -spotlight -syslog (-system-heimdal) (-systemd) (-test) -zeroconf" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10" 12647 KiB | |
70 | [binary U ] media-video/pipewire-0.3.50-r1:0/0.4::gentoo [0.3.48-r1:0/0.4::gentoo] USE="X bluetooth echo-cancel extra gstreamer pipewire-alsa ssl v4l -doc -jack-client -jack-sdk -lv2 (-system-service) (-systemd) -test -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 3137 KiB | |
71 | [binary U ] media-video/wireplumber-0.4.9:0/0.4::gentoo [0.4.8-r3:0/0.4::gentoo] USE="elogind (-system-service) (-systemd) -test" LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="lua5-4 -lua5-3" 338 KiB | |
72 | [binary U ] dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.15.3:5/5.15::gentoo [5.15.2-r2:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="alsa gstreamer openal pulseaudio qml widgets -debug -gles2-only -test" 782 KiB | |
73 | [binary R ] dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7-r1:4.0::gentoo USE="webkit -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10%" 8815 KiB | |
74 | [ebuild U ] www-client/firefox-bin-99.0.1:rapid::gentoo [99.0:rapid::gentoo] USE="alsa ffmpeg gmp-autoupdate pulseaudio wayland (-selinux)" L10N="be bg bs cs da de el es-AR es-CL es-ES es-MX et fi fr hr hu it kk lt lv nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sk sl sq sr sv uk -ach -af -an -ar -ast -az -bn -br -ca -ca-valencia -cak -cy -dsb -en-CA -en-GB -eo -eu -fa -ff -fy -ga -gd -gl -gn -gu -he -hi -hsb -hy -ia -id -is -ja -ka -kab -km -kn -ko -lij -mk -mr -ms -my -nb -ne -nn -oc -pa -rm -sco -si -son -ta -te -th -tl -tr -trs -ur -uz -vi -xh -zh-CN -zh-TW" 92623 KiB | |
75 | [binary U ] net-misc/remmina-1.4.25::gentoo [1.4.23-r1::gentoo] USE="crypt cups nls rdp ssh vnc -appindicator* -examples -gnome-keyring -gvnc -kwallet -spice -telemetry -webkit* (-x2go) -zeroconf" 919 KiB | |
76 | [binary R ] sci-electronics/kicad-6.0.4::gentoo USE="ngspice nls occ openmp pcm -doc -examples" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_9 -python3_8 -python3_10%" 47748 KiB | |
77 | [binary U ] media-sound/strawberry-1.0.4::gentoo [1.0.3::gentoo] USE="cdda gstreamer ipod pulseaudio udisks -debug -moodbar -mtp -vlc" 5716 KiB | |
78 | [binary NS ] dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.3:0::gentoo [5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo] USE="-debug -test" 46 KiB | |
79 | [uninstall ] dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.2-r10:5/5.15::gentoo USE="-debug -test" | |
80 | [blocks b ] dev-qt/qdbus:5 ("dev-qt/qdbus:5" is soft blocking dev-qt/qdbus-5.15.3) | |
81 | [binary U ] sys-apps/calculate-utils- [] USE="backup client console dbus desktop gpg install qt5 -minimal -pxe" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9" 3543 KiB | |
82 | [blocks B ] | |
83 | * 77 пакетов будет установлено, 475132 KiB будет загружено | |
84 | (and 8 more with the same problem) | |
85 | ||
86 | (dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.2-r12:5/5.15::gentoo, installed) USE="X dbus gtk png -debug -gles2-only -test" ABI_X86="(64)" pulled in by | |
87 | =dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.2*[-gles2-only] required by (dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.2-r15:5/5.15::gentoo, installed) USE="jit vulkan widgets -debug -gles2-only -localstorage -test" ABI_X86="(64)" | |
88 | ^ ^^^^^^^ | |
89 | ||
90 | NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above | |
91 | ||
92 | It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to | |
93 | prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also | |
94 | possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are | |
95 | impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in | |
96 | the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can | |
97 | not be installed simultaneously. You may want to try a larger value of | |
98 | the --backtrack option, such as --backtrack=30, in order to see if | |
99 | that will solve this conflict automatically. | |
100 | ||
101 | For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man | |
102 | page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook. | |
103 | ||
104 | * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be | |
105 | * installed at the same time on the same system. | |
106 | ||
107 | (dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r2:0/0::gentoo, binary scheduled for merge) pulled in by | |
108 | >=dev-qt/qtchooser-66-r1 required by (dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.2-r14:5/5.15.2::gentoo, installed) USE="icu -debug -old-kernel (-systemd) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" | |
109 | ||
110 | For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following | |
111 | section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant): | |
112 | ||
113 | | |
114 | * Выполнение Emerge завершилось с ошибкой | |
115 | * Не удалось обновить | |
116 | 116 | |
117 | | |
118 | * Выполнение Emerge завершилось с ошибкой | |
119 | * Не удалось обновить | |
117 | ||
118 | # emerge -aC dev-qt/qtchooser | |
119 | * This action can remove important packages! In order to be safer, use | |
120 | * `emerge -pv --depclean | |
121 | * removing packages. | |
122 | ||
123 | >>> These are the packages that would be unmerged: | |
124 | ||
125 | --- Couldn't find 'dev-qt/qtchooser' to unmerge. | |
126 | ||
127 | >>> No packages selected for removal by unmerge | |
128 | ||
129 | ||
130 | ||
131 | # eix qtchooser | |
132 | * dev-qt/qtchooser | |
133 | Доступные версии: 66-r2^t {test} | |
134 | Домашняя страница: | |
135 | Описание: Tool to quickly switch between multiple Qt installations | |
136 |